(via Kelsey Cowles–Network of the National Library of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region) I wanted to share some information about an upcoming free two-part webinar series, Citizen Science in the Academic Library, being offered by the Network of the National Library of Medicine in partnership with SciStarter. The two webinars (Friday, July 24, and Friday, July…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Poster Proposals: 2020 ILA Virtual Conference (Oct. 20-22) — Deadline Monday, August 31
(via the Illinois Library Association) The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference Program Committee invites applications for poster sessions at the 2020 ILA Virtual Annual Conference, taking place from Tuesday, October 20, to Thursday, October 22. Poster sessions will be featured on the ILA website (an example can be found here. The online poster session will become available at…
Registration Open for ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group Webinar on Interactive Online Learning (Friday, July 24, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT)
(via Annie Zeidman-Karpinski, University of Oregon) Registration information for Part 2 is listed on the ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group’s LibGuide page. Just below the information about the upcoming session you’ll see the recordings and slides from Part 1. Interactive Online Learning Webinar Series: Part 2, Friday, July 24 ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group invites you to…
Call for Nominations Extended: Candidates for 2021 ALA Elections (New Deadline Friday, July 31)
(via the American Library Association) The ALA 2021 Nominating Committee announces a deadline extension for completing the candidate biographical form for the positions of Councilor-at-Large and President-elect. The new deadline is Friday, July 31, 2020. During this unprecedented time, the ALA 2021 Nominating Committee acknowledges that more time is needed for interested candidates to consider…
Call for Contributors: ALA Publication 50+ Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries (Deadline Saturday, August 15)
(via Ellyssa Kroski, New York Law Institute) We are seeking contributing authors who would like to author projects in an upcoming book, 50+ Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries, edited by Ellyssa Kroski and to be published by The American Library Association. The publication 50+ Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Programs in Libraries…
Call for Applicants–Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change Program (Deadline Friday, August 28)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The American Library Association (ALA) invites library workers to apply to be part of Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change, a pilot program to help public and academic libraries engage their communities in programs and conversations that address the climate change crisis. The project will fund film screenings, community dialogues and…
NNLM – Greater Midwst Region Compiling List of 2020 MLA Conference Presentations by Members
(via the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Do you have a presentation at the 2020 Medial Library Association Conference, which will take place online this August? The National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region is creating a blog to highlight and promote presentations within our region, which…
Call for Chapter Proposals–ACRL Publication Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians (Deadline October 1)
(via Hannah Rempel, Oregon State University) Have you created library instructional or outreach activities focused on student reading? If you have case studies, lesson plans, stories, or programmatic approaches aimed at developing active, engaged, mindful, and critical readers, we want to hear from you. Focus of the Book Librarians engage with student reading in a…
Reminder: ILA Seeking Submissions for Fun Fact or Story of the Week and Member Photo Contest
(via the Illinois Library Association) Fun Fact or Story of the Week Does your library have an interesting story no one knows about or is there a fun fact about your library that only your patrons and staff and know about? If so, share it with the Illinois library community! We are launching an Illinois library…
Call for Nominations: American Library Association Honorary Membership (Deadline Tuesday, September 1)
(via Sheryl Reyes–Director, Office of ALA Governance) Nominations are being accepted for ALA honorary membership, the Association’s highest honor, which is bestowed on living citizens of any country whose contributions to librarianship or a closely related field are so outstanding that they are of significant and lasting importance to the whole field of library service….