(via Susan Garrison, Rice University) Connect with your peers at this FREE 2020 Spring Virtual Forum Webinar, and discover how libraries can proactively hire, support and retain diverse teams. Learn why diversity in the workplace is a win-win for all. Details are below and in the attached flyer. Share with your friends and colleagues. Registration…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
ILA Connector Seeking Submissions on Libraries’ Strategies for Managing COVID-19
(via the Illinois Library Association) Are you working from home or otherwise dealing with #quarantine2020? Have you found that your daily schedule is now a little different than you’re used to? Consider writing a blog post for the ILA Connecter! We are always accepting entries that deal with topics relevant to libraries, but are currently…
Call for Submissions: Spring ACRL College Libraries Section Newsletter (Deadline April 27)
(via Elaine Hirsch, Lewis & Clark College) The CLS Communications Committee invites submissions for the Spring 2020 CLS Newsletter. This is an opportunity to share library accomplishments and professional achievements with colleagues across the country. How is your library supporting students and faculty during COVID? Have you launched any innovative programs or services that might…
RAILS Seeking Presenters for Webinars on a Variety of Topics Relevant to Library Staff and Users
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Joe Filapek, RAILS) RAILS is reaching out to our talented membership looking for individuals/teams interested in presenting a webinar for staff at our member libraries. At a time when learning opportunities are necessarily shifting online, we are looking to offer a variety of webinars…
Deadline for RAILS Board Nominations Extended to Friday, April 3
(via RAILS) RAILS still needs nominations for the following positions on our board: One academic library representative (to be filled by an individual employed by a RAILS academic library) Three public library trustees (to be filled by board members at RAILS public libraries) One school library representative (to be filled by an individual employed by…
Reminder: IACRL and ILA Elections Run from April 1 to 30
(via the Illinois Library Association) Biographical statements for candidates for the ILA Board are available here in advance of the voting period. Polls open on Wednesday, April 1, and close on Friday, April 30. All personal members of the association are eligible to vote. Paper ballots will be sent to persons requesting one. Your personal membership must be current and…
Medical Library Association Launching Series of Free Online Conversations, Coping and Caring in the Time of COVID, Starting March 31
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University) The Medical Library Association is launching a series of free, live, online conversations, Coping and Caring in the Time of COVID. These weekly conversations for MLA members and the wider health information professional community are designed to help share ideas and to address professional and…
Reminder: Nominations for ILA Intellectual Freedom Award Due May 15
(via Tracy Ruppman, Loyola University Chicago) Help us recognize recognize outstanding contributions in defending intellectual freedom or the advancement of these principles as espoused and promulgated by both the Illinois Library Association and the American Library Association by nominating an individual or a group. The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 15. More information about…
Reminder: Extended Deadline for ILA 2020 Conference Proposals is Monday, March 23
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA 2020 Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking program proposals for this year’s conference. This year’s theme — “Many Libraries, One State — We Are ILA” — focuses on what brings us together and how we can remove barriers to collaboration. Therefore, we highly encourage you to widen the scope of…
ACRL Offering Webcasts (March 17, 18, and 20) Covering Online Instruction During COVID-19
(via ACRL) ALA and ACRL are committed to supporting our members, staff, and all librarians and library workers during these uncertain times. Now more than ever, academic and research librarians and libraries are essential to a thriving global community of learners and scholars. Whether you are working on campus or supporting your community remotely, ACRL…