(via Susan Schreiner, Grays Harbor College) Want to help someone new to the profession, or more experienced but seeking your wisdom? Sign up to be a mentor! The University Library Section (ULS) Membership Committee is providing its “On-the-Fly” Mentoring Service, which allows a mentee to talk with a mentor for a 20-minute session, on a…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Nominations: Beta Phi Mu Award (Deadline February 3)
(via Emily Bergman) The American Library Association and the jury for the Beta Phi Mu encourages you to submit nominations for someone who deserves to be known for their work in education for librarianship. The award consists of $1,000 and a 24k gold framed citation of achievement. This annual award is for a library school faculty member…
Call for Participation: Survey on Potential Revisions to the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Nursing
(via Laureen Cantwell, Colorado Mesa University) As you may or may not be aware, the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (“the Standards”) was replaced by the Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education (“the Framework”) in 2015. This means that the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Nursing, established in 2013, is in need…
Call for Program Proposals: Illinois Library Association 2020 Annual Conference (Oct. 20-22 in Springfield) — Deadline March 16
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA 2020 Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking program proposals for this year’s conference. This year’s theme — Many Libraries, One State — We Are ILA — focuses on what brings us together and how we can remove barriers to collaboration. Therefore, we highly encourage you to widen the…
Call for Nominations: ACRL Instruction Section Recognition (Deadline Jan. 25)
(via Caroline Sinkinson, University of Colorado Boulder) Do you know someone who is an amazing teaching librarian? If yes, consider nominating them as a Featured Teaching Librarian! If you’re an amazing teaching librarian, consider nominating yourself. The nomination form is here. The ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee wants to highlight excellent teaching librarians. Several…
Registration Open for National Library Legislative Day 2020 (May 4-5 in Washington, D.C.) — Deadline March 31
(via Megan Ortegon, American Library Association) Registration for NLLD 2020 is now open here. When library advocates gather to share their experiences, collaborate to overcome common obstacles, and strive to elevate their skill sets, valuable learning and growth are bound to happen. Here’s hoping you’re planning to join us in May: ALA opens registration for…
Call for Applicants: 2020 ALA Leadership Institute (August 2-6 in Oak Brook) — Deadline March 9
(via Sheryl Reyes, American Library Association) The application for the 2020 “Leading to the Future” ALA Leadership Institute (August 2-6, 2020 at the Hilton Oak Brook/Chicago Conference Center and Resort, Oak Brook, Illinois) is now open, with applications accepted through March 9, 2020. ALA Past-President Maureen Sullivan and Library and Leadership Consultant Kathryn Deiss will return to…
Registration Open for Free IACRL Webinar “Libraries Are Open for Learning: Using OER to Support Students and Faculty” (Tues., Jan. 28, 1:00-2:00 PM)
(via Michelle Nielsen Ott, IACRL President) Free IACRL Webinar Tuesday, January 28, 2020 1:00 – 2:00 PM Libraries Are Open for Learning: Using OER to Support Students and Faculty Open Educational resources (OER) have quickly become an answer to addressing higher education affordability, increasing student completer success raters and reducing equating gaps, and increasing pedagogical innovations….
Call for Chapter Proposals — Transfer Student Success: Advancing Outcomes from the Library Book (Deadline Jan. 6)
(via Ann Marshall, Purdue University Fort Wayne) Do you work with transfer students at your institution, and would you like to share your experiences with fellow librarians? We are seeking a few final proposals for an edited book tentatively titled Transfer Student Success: Advancing Outcomes from the Library, to be published by ALA Editions in…
Call for Submissions: ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2019” Feature (Deadline January 20)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Has your library undergone renovations or new building in 2019? Share the news with the library community by submitting the project for the ILA Reporter “Library Buildings 2019” article in the March 2020 issue. Submissions should include: * At least one high-resolution image of the exterior * At least one…