(via Anna Ferri, Roseman University of Health Sciences) The Medical Library Association is now seeking nominations for recipients of the Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award. The MLA Research Advancement in Health Sciences Librarianship Award recognizes organizations whose exemplary actions have served to advance health information research and evidence-based practice in health sciences libraries….
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Reminder: Illinois Library Association Seeking Nominations for Its 2020 Executive Board Elections (Deadline October 11)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the 2020-2021 Executive Board Election. In April 2020, members will vote for the ILA Vice-President/President-elect and for four Executive Board positions: 2 Public Library, 1 Special Library, and 1 Academic library representative. These are three-year terms beginning July 2020 and ending June…
Call for Nominations: ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award (Deadline December 6)
(via Luke Vilelle, Hollins University) Are you a member of an Academic Library? Do you want to acknowledge the excellent work that you and your colleagues do on behalf of your student and scholar community? If you answered yes to both of these questions you might want to nominate your library for the 2020 ACRL…
Call for Nominations: ACRL Instruction Section’s Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award (Deadline Dec. 6)
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Did you write, or do you know someone who wrote, an outstanding publication related to instruction in a library environment published in the preceding two years? This is your chance to let us know about it by submitting a nomination for the Ilene F. Rockman Memorial Award. Eligible publications include…
Reminder: Submissions for ACRL College Libraries Section’s Fall Newsletter Due Friday, September 27
(via Elaine Hirsch, Lewis & Clark College) The CLS Communications Committee invites submissions for the Fall 2019 CLS Newsletter. This is an opportunity to highlight happenings at your library with colleagues across the country. Did your library launch an innovative program or host a successful event? Did your library receive a grant? Are there any…
Final Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for Illinois Library Association 2019 Annual Conference Ends Monday, September 16
(via the Illinois Library Association) The last day to secure the early bird rate to attend the ILA Annual Conference is Monday, September 16. Single-day registration is also available. The Conference will be held October 22-24, 2019, at the Tinley Park Convention Center in Tinley Park, IL. To register, and to learn more about the Conference, please…
Call for Contributors: New Illinois Library Association Blog, ILA Connector
ILA is seeking contributors for a new pilot program: a member-led blog, the ILA Connecter! We invite you to join us in this collaborative effort in connecting, communicating and engaging across Illinois libraries. We hope that this blog will serve as a medium to not only offer resources and support, but also to foster professional relationships…
Final Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for Midwest Chapter/MLA 2019 (Oct. 4-7 in Milwaukee) Ends Friday, Sept. 13
(via Rita Sieracki, Medical College of Wisconsin) Greetings from Milwaukee! Photo credit: VisitMilwaukee Register now! Early bird registration for the conference is ending this Friday, September 13, along with the conference hotel rate. Book your hotel room now in order to get the special conference rate! CE News Attend the Libraries as a Disaster Recovery…
Call for Submissions: ACRL Instruction Section’s Fall Newsletter (Deadline Sept. 18)
(via Lori DuBois, Williams College) The IS Newsletter is soliciting content for the Fall issue! The Newsletter editors would love to have your content that addresses: Active learning techniques Learning object creation Student learning outcomes & pedagogy Assessment Instructional design (universal, backward, accessibility, etc.) Instruction for special populations (e.g., faculty, international students, administrators, etc.) and…
Reminder: RAILS and IACRL Seeking Presenters for Joint Online Event on Promoting the Value of Academic Libraries (November 5, 10:00-11:30 AM) — Deadline Friday, Sept. 13
(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) This fall, in conjunction with the My Library Is campaign, RAILS and IACRL will co-host an online event to help academic libraries promote and articulate their value. This event will take place on Tuesday, November 5, 10:00 – 11:30 AM. To help with this event, academic librarians are invited to submit…