(via Chris Miller, Cornell University) Once again, the University Library Section (ULS) Membership Committee is providing the “On-the-Fly” mentoring service during the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The service allows a mentee to talk with a mentor for a twenty minute session, on a drop-in basis. At Midwinter 2018, we had a great turnout…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Applicants: College Library Director Mentoring Program (for New Directors at Small Colleges)
(via Melissa Jadlos, St. John Fisher College) Are you, or do you know a new College Library Director? If you are a new Library Director at a small college library, please consider joining the College Library Director Mentoring Program. The program, now in its 26th year, is designed to enhance leadership capabilities of new college…
Reminder: IACRL Forming Virtual Journal-Discussion Group
This is a reminder that the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries is seeking to form a virtual journal-discussion club. (Thank you very much to everyone who has expressed interest so far.) The club would meet online once a month (or at a different frequency, depending on member preferences and availability) to discuss journal…
Call for ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS) Liaisons (Deadline June 7)
(via Ginny Pannabecker, Virginia Tech University) This message is sent on behalf of the ACRL STS Liaisons Committee. Call for Science and Technology Section Liaisons Are you a member of a science/technology organization? Do you normally attend the conference/meeting of the organization? Would you like to be more involved in STS, or would if you…
Reminder: ACRL Webinar “Essentials of Usability Design for Library Research Guides” at UIC on Thursday, June 7
This is a reminder about next week’s ACRL webinar viewing at UIC’s Daley Library. In addition to refreshments, there will be some freebies from ACRL. If you are not familiar with Daley Library and the UIC campus, go here for general directions. The interactive map will direct you to the library’s location. Parking nearby is available…
UIUC’s Dr. Clara M. Chu Wins 2018 Beta Phi Mu Award
(via Annie Zeidman-Karpinski, University of Oregon) It is with great pleasure that we can make the following announcement: Dr. Clara M. Chu, Mortenson Distinguished Professor and director of the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign, and an affiliated faculty at The iSchool of Illinois, has been selected…
ACRL Seeking Feedback on Policy Statement Covering Open Access to Scholarship by Academic Librarians
(via ACRL) The ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (ReSEC) is seeking community input on proposed revisions to the ACRL Policy Statement on Open Access to Scholarship by Academic Librarians, approved by the ACRL Board of Directors during the 2016 ALA Annual Conference. Based on recent recommendations, ReSEC is proposing revisions in order to make…
Registration Open for ACRL Presents Webcast on June 5 (1:00-2:00 PM CDT), “Update on the New Research Environment and Scholarly Communication System Project”
(via ACRL) Join us for the free ACRL Presents webcast, “Update on the New Research Environment and Scholarly Communication System Project,” on Tuesday, June 5, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. After an open and competitive request for proposals, a team of researchers has been selected to design, develop, and deliver a new report on…
ACRL Literatures in English Section Hosting Live Twitter Chat on Digital Humanities (May 31 at 1:00 PM)
(via Ava Brillat, University of Miami) Just a reminder! We will be hosting a Twitter conversation to continue our great conversation each week until the ALA Annual. Please join us on Twitter! Look for #LESchat and join in! Follow @LES_ACRL to join in! Our next conversation will happen on Thursday, May 31 at 1:00 PM CDT. This…
Call for Chapter Proposals: ACRL Publication on New Approaches to Liaison Librarianship in Academic Libraries (Deadline Sept. 14)
(via Robin Canuel, McGill University) Call for Chapters: New Approaches to Liaison Librarianship: Innovations in Instruction, Collections, Reference, and Outreach Proposals are sought for an upcoming ACRL publication on new approaches to liaison librarianship in academic libraries. Proposal Submission Deadline: September 14, 2018 Publisher: Association of College & Research Libraries Editors: Robin Canuel (McGill University…