(via Michelle Haake, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) Each year CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Reminder: ACRL 2019 Program Proposals Due May 4
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) Share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at ACRL 2019 – Recasting the Narrative. Contributed paper, panel session, preconference, and workshop proposals are due Friday, May 4, 2018. Submit your proposal via the Call for Participation. Why Present at ACRL 2019? Advocate for your research, project, or initiative. Expand your…
Call for Proposals: 2018 Medical Library Association Midcontinental Chapter’s Virtual Annual Meeting (Deadline June 15)
(via Christi Piper, University of Colorado Denver) The Program Committee invites paper and lightning talk proposal submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2018 Midcontinental (MCMLA) Virtual Chapter Meeting. This year’s theme is “Partners in Progress. . . Exploring the Possibilities”. The meeting will take place online on October 4th and 5th. The…
Call for Applicants: ALA Representative to IFLA’s Academic and Research Libraries Committee (Deadline May 4)
(via Michelle Twait, Gustavus Adolphus College) ACRL invites applicants to serve as the ALA representative to the Academic and Research Libraries IFLA standing committee for the 2019- 2023 term. To apply as an ALA representative to IFLA, submit the materials detailed below to Michelle Twait (mtwait@gustavus.edu), CLS Chair, no later than Friday, May 4. Completed “Request…
Registration Open for ACRL Distance Learning Section Instruction Section Webinar “Using OER for Information Literacy Instruction” (April 24, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
(via Jennifer Lau-Bond, Oakton Community College) Join us for the DLS Instruction Section Webinar “Using Open Educational Resources for Information Literacy Instruction”. Ru Story Huffman will discuss the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) as pedagogy for teaching information literacy in this presentation. The information literacy classroom is ripe for transformative instruction. Using free and…
Call for Research Award Judges for Medical Library Association 2018 Conference
Please excuse any cross-postings. (via Kimberly Powell, Emory University) The Research Awards Committee of the MLA Research Section is seeking judges for papers and posters for MLA ’18 in Atlanta. You may participate as a poster judge if you are presenting a paper or as a paper judge if you are presenting a poster. If…
ACRL Instruction Section Holding Online Event “Curricular Mapping – From Planning to Practice” at 12:00 PM CST on 5/31
(via Emily Carlin, Erie Community College) The ACRL Instruction Section Management & Leadership Committee is excited to announce the second of our spring online professional development series on topics of interest to instruction coordinators and library staff with instruction responsibilities. “Curricular Mapping – From Planning to Practice”–Thursday, May 31, 2018 (12:00-1:00 PM CDT) Access the…
Reminder: Deadline to Submit Nominations for IFLA ACRL Rep. to Science & Technology Libraries Standingommittee is May 4
(via Kara Whatley, New York University) It is time to nominate or re-appoint an IFLA ACRL representative to the IFLA Science and Technology Libraries Standing Committee for the 2019-2023 session. If you are interested in applying (or re-applying) to be the Science & Technology Section representative, please take a look at the information provided by…
Registration Open for Free April 19 “Librarian Toolkit for Working with Online Instructors and Students” ALA ULS Online Program
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Jason Martin, Middle Tennessee State University) The following online program will be offered free of charge on Thursday, April 19, at 12:00 PM CDT. To access it, go here. The program will be recorded for later viewing if you are unable to attend the…
ACRL Seeking Program Proposals From Its Members and Groups for 2019 ALA Annual Conference (Informational Meeting 4/26)
(via Megan Griffin, ACRL) The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) invites its committees, sections, interest groups and individual members to consider submitting program proposals for the 2019 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. For the second year, program proposals will be submitted via a centralized submission site for all ALA…