(via Melanie Norton, Yale University) Authors are needed for the MLA Newsletter “Expert Searching” column. Even if you don’t consider yourself an expert searcher, you probably have search strategies and skills that are new to some of your colleagues. In other words, what may seem apparent to you, may be new to others. Consider sharing your…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Nominations: ACRL Instruction Section Featured Teaching Librarian (Deadline March 2)
(via Sara Scheib, University of Iowa) Do you know someone who is an amazing teaching librarian? If yes, consider nominating them as a Featured Teaching Librarian! If you’re an amazing teaching librarian, consider nominating yourself. The ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee wants to highlight excellent teaching librarians. Several times during the year, the committee…
Reminder: Mentoring Volunteers Needed at ALA Midwinter
(via MD Galvin, University of Oregon) As we get closer to Midwinter, I hope that you will consider spending an hour of your time mentoring fellow librarians and students. If you have time and consider this a worthy activity, please sign up here: https://goo.gl/sCGbEJ. Mentoring-on-fly will be located in the Placement Center of the Colorado…
Registration Open for Millikin University’s Staley Library and University Commons Open House
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) The CARLI Public Services Committee is pleased to sponsor an Open House at Millikin University?s new University Commons on Thursday, March 15, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Featured presentations will showcase Staley Library service areas, the New Technologies Studio, and the library?s instruction program. After lunch, there will be…
Call for Participants in Online Cohort: “Stand Up for Health: Health and Wellness Services for Your Community”
(via Bobbi Newman, National Network of Libraries of Medicine) The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) is recruiting public library staff to participate in the online training, “Stand Up for Health: Health and Wellness Services for Your Community<https://nnlm.gov/classes/stand-health-health-and-wellness-services-your-community>.” This is a 4-week, online, asynchronous (all self-paced) course where participants will earn 12 continuing education…
CARLI Collection Management Committee Seeking Responses to Open-Access Ebooks Survey
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) The CARLI Collection Management Committee is exploring the availability of open-access ebooks and their corresponding cataloging records. The Committee is interested in what open-access ebooks would CARLI member libraries like to see available to all libraries using I-Share and eventually through OCLC Collection Manager to all CARLI members. All CARLI members…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for ACRL Committees (Including STS Ones) is February 15
(via John Meier, Pennsylvania State University) We especially need members to volunteer for the 2019 Conference Program Planning Committee (Washington DC). You can see their charge and other information on the website, but take note that you do NOT need to be local to the conference for serving on the planning committee. Please visit http://www.ala.org/acrl/membership/volunteer/volunteer to submit…
Register for CARLI Open Textbook Network Workshops (Closes April 8)
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) Registration is now open! In-Person Workshops from the Open Textbook Network Trainers On April 23, 24, and 26, CARLI will be hosting trainers from the Open Textbook Network (OTN) when they give Train-the-Trainer workshops as part of CARLI? s OTN membership. Locations: April 23: Governors State University April 24: Loyola University…
Registration Open for February 6 ACRL Webinar “Building a Digital Scholarship Program with Limited Resources”
via Jean Ferguson–University of California, Berkeley) Building a Digital Scholarship Program with Limited Resources Tuesday, February 6, 2018 12:00-1:00pm CST Hosted by ACRL Digital Scholarship Centers Interest Group Register: https://acrl.webex.com/acrl/onstage/g.php?MTID=e257830ade79e243b07b990796794874a Dial-in option available upon login Digital scholarship is a growing trend across a range of higher education institutions, from research-intensive universities to small liberal arts…
Call for Participants: ALCTS Mentoring Program (Deadline March 2)
(via Regina Gong, Lansing Community College) On behalf of the Mentoring Subcommittee of the ALCTS (Association for Library & Technical Services) Leadership Development Committee, we invite you to participate in the second year of the ALCTS Mentoring Program. As an ALCTS member, you have the opportunity to participate as either a mentor, a mentee, or…