(via Elizabeth Kiscaden, Associate Director for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) This information just came out from the Greater Midwest Region’s National Docline Coordinating Office – awards are made on a first-come, first-serve basis, so get your application in if you’re interested! The Health Sciences & Human Services Library (HS/HSL) at…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
CARLI Seeking Feedback on Draft of Its 2020 Strategic Plan
(via Margaret Chambers, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois) At the CARLI Annual Meeting on Friday, November 17, attendees participated in the final feedback stage of the CARLI 2020 strategic planning process. The draft of the CARLI 2020 strategic plan outlines CARLI’s aspirations, and focuses the activities of the consortium, and will serve…
Volunteers Sought for New ACRL Task Force to Develop Project Outcome for Academic Libraries (Deadline Nov. 21)
(via Megan Griffin, Association of College and Research Libraries) The ACRL Board of Directors recently approved the development of a national survey management tool for academic libraries based on PLA’s Project Outcome, and the establishment of a division-level Project Outcome for Academic Libraries Task Force. Volunteers are sought from all types of academic libraries for this…
Call for Applications: 2018 MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians
(via Barry Grant, Medical Library Association) Are you a library professional interested in learning to do research? Are you excited at the prospect of being part of an intensive and collaborative program that takes you through a process of learning research design and completing a health information research project? The Medical Library Association (MLA) Research Training…
Save the Date: Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association – 2018 Conference in Cleveland (Oct. 5-8)
(via Theresa Kline, Cleveland Clinic) We invite you to attend the 2018 Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Conference on October 5-8, 2018, in Cleveland, Ohio! This is the Midwest Chapter of Medical Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference, which is a regional chapter of the Medical Library Association. Feel free to visit the…
Reminder: Registration Deadline for CARLI Annual Meeting is November 9
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) The registration deadline for the CARLI Annual Meeting is Thursday, November 9. The morning meeting will feature a report from CARLI Senior Director Anne Craig, and an overview of several of the 2017 CARLI Committee projects. In the afternoon, provide your final feedback on the CARLI 2020 Strategic Plan and have…
ACRL 2019 Conference Call for Participation
(via the Association of College & Research Libraries) ACRL invites you to share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at ACRL 2019. Today’s academic and research libraries are vibrant and fast moving, responding quickly to changes in the higher education landscape. Just as our host city of Cleveland has undergone a revitalization in…
Call for Applications: Value of Academic Libraries Travel Scholarships 2018
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) ACRL is pleased to announce the launch of the new Value of Academic Libraries Travel Scholarships. The Board of Directors has allocated $10,000 in fiscal year 2018 to offer travel scholarships of up to $2,000 each for librarians presenting on their work demonstrating the impact of academic…
Registration Open for CARLI Webinar “Leading Online Sessions: Tips for Engaging Webinars”
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee’s theme for this year is “We Can’t Do It Alone: Joining Forces For Sustainable Partnerships”. Through a series of online events, the committee will offer opportunities to learn how to extend information literacy programs in ways that are scalable and sustainable. Because webinars can be an effective…
Call for Curriculum-Mapping Panel Presenters at ACRL Instruction Section Annual Program
(via Sheila Stoeckel, University of Wisconsin-Madison) The 2018 Instruction Section Program Planning Committee is planning the annual program. This year’s program will be offered online in May/June (date pending based on presenter availability) instead of at conference. The program will focus on discussing curriculum mapping. Curriculum mapping is a systematic approach in which a review curriculum and identification of…