(via Elizabeth Hinton, University of Mississippi Medical Center) The Janet Doe Lectureship is a unique award, offering both significant recognition and the opportunity to present a major plenary session lecture at the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association. According to the official description, “The Janet Doe Lecturer is an individual chosen annually by the…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Reminder: Final Deadline for Submissions to 2017 Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference is Tuesday, Aug. 1
(via Tyler Nix, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor) The Program Committee of the 2017 Midwest Chapter MLA & MHSLA Joint Annual Conference invites paper and poster abstract submissions on any topic of interest to the health sciences library community. The conference will be held October 13-16 in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Paper sessions will be held Sunday, October…
Registration Open for Midwest Chapter/MLA and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA)–October 13-16
(via Miranda Shake, Lakeview College of Nursing) It’s not too early to register for the 2017 Joint Conference of the Midwest Chapter/MLA and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA), October 13-16! Early-bird registration doesn’t end until September 23rd, but why wait? REGISTER NOW!!! Program-At-A-Glance is now available online with conference highlights including: 6 CE Opportunities! Perspectives…
RAILS Webinar on Library Privacy Tuesday, July 25 (1:00-2:30 PM)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) RAILS is offering a webinar called “Navigating the Changing Landscape of Library Privacy” on Tuesday, July 25, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CST. The presenters are Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Deputy Director of the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, and Mike Robinson, Head of Systems at the Consortium Library at the…
CARLI Joins the Open Textbook Network
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) CARLI has joined the Open Textbook Network (OTN), a consortium of colleges and universities working to advance open textbook initiatives. OTN supports the Open Textbook Library, a searchable online catalog of complete textbooks available for faculty and students to freely use, adapt and distribute to best meet the needs of their…
STS Liaisons Online Forum on Wednesday, July 12 (2:15-3:30 PM)
(via Li Zhang, University of Saskatchewan) Join us for the the ACRL-STS Liaisons Online Forum, which will take place on Wednesday, July 12, from 2:15 to 3:30 PM CST. The Forum will be presented by the STS Liaisons Committee. STS maintains a liaison program to encourage STS members to report on the meetings and activities of…
Bloomberg Receives Hugh Atkinson Memorial/Demco Award
(via the Illinois Library Association) Kathleen L. Bloomberg, formerly the Associate Director of Operations of the Illinois State Library and now recently retired, is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association Hugh Atkinson Memorial/Demco Award. The award recognizes an individual, group, program, or institution for sustained activity and contributions having a lasting impact on…
UIUC’s Ruan Named Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year
(via the Illinois Library Association) Dr. Lian Ruan is the 2017 recipient of the Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. The award, presented by the ILA Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries (IACRL) Forum, recognizes an Illinois librarian who is making an outstanding statewide contribution to academic or research…
Illinois Academic Librarians Featured in AL Direct Coverage of ALA Annual
Several Illinois academic and research librarians were included in AL Direct‘s coverage of the ALA 2017 Annual Conference. Veronda Pitchford, Director of Membership Development and Resource Sharing at the Reaching Across Illinois Library System, was mentioned in the article Top Tech Trends: Advice for Makerspaces. Pitchford was part of the LITA Top Technology Trends Panel, and she…
Applicants Sought for August 2017 NCBI-NLM Bioinformatics Hackathon
(via Derek Johnson, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) From Monday, August 14, to Wednesday, August 16, the NCBI, with involvement from several NIH institutes, will host a Biomedical Data Science hackathon at the National Library of Medicine on the NIH campus. The hackathon will primarily focus on medical informatics, advanced bioinformatics analysis of…