(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) A reminder that these are starting soon! All librarians and library supporters are welcome to attend. If you are registered, please feel free to contact your legislators and encourage them to be there or to send a staff member. Deadline for registration is November 23. ————————————————————- Registration is now…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Registration Open for ACRL Leadership Discussion Group Webinar “We’re Still Tired: A Journey Toward Authenticity and Away from Burnout”–Tues., Nov. 14, at 1:00 PM CDT
(via Russell Michalak– Director of Library, Learning Center & Archives at Goldey-Beacom College) Please join us for Melissa N. Mallon’s presentation “We’re Still Tired: A Journey Toward Authenticity and Away from Burnout”. Sponsored by the ACRL Leadership Discussion Group, this webinar will take place on Tuesday, November 14, at 1:00 PM CDT. Description: As we emerge…
Deadline Extended: Chapter Proposals for Upcoming ACRL Publication Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Libraries–New Due Date Fri., Dec. 1
(via Amanda Boyer, Susquehanna University) We are collecting chapter proposals for an upcoming, edited ACRL publication, Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Libraries (working title, forthcoming Summer 2025). Universities and colleges are seeing a rise in neurodiverse students enrolling in higher education, and due to the pandemic, more students are reporting issues with anxiety and depression. Academic libraries must adapt…
Reminder: Registration Open for November Online with the CMC Webinar, “Constructing Our Past: Cataloging Blueprints”–Thurs., Nov. 9, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) Registration is open for the next Online with the CMC webinar, “Constructing Our Past: Cataloging Blueprints”. It will take place on Thursday, November 9, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT. Blueprints are an important record of our past. Eric McKinney will share some of the blueprints cataloged for the Abraham…
Live-Streaming Option Available for CARLI Annual Meeting on Thurs., Nov. 16 (10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT)–Registration Deadline Wed., Nov. 15
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) It is good to try new things! In order to accommodate staff at CARLI member libraries who are unable to travel to Champaign, we are excited to announce that CARLI is going to stream the 2023 CARLI Annual Meeting via Zoom! The meeting is being held on Thursday, November 16, from 10:15…
Call for Applications: RAILS My Library Is… Grants–Deadline Wed., Feb. 7, 2024
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) RAILS is excited to announce that the 2024 My Library Is… Grants are now open to all types of RAILS member libraries (academic, public, school, and specialized). As part of the My Library Is… campaign, RAILS invites applications for grant projects that help tell the story of the library. The purpose…
Registration Open for ACRL Instruction Section Inclusive Pedagogy Committee’s Lightning Talks on the ACRL Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit–Wed., Nov. 8, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT
(via Darlene Aguilar, Loyola Marymount University) Join the Instruction Section Inclusive Pedagogy Committee for lightning talks about how folks have been incorporating inclusive practices into their work, highlighting the resources available in the ACRL Inclusive Pedagogy Toolkit. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 8, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. In this webinar, we will…
Call for Nominations: ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect, Councilor, and Director-at-Large Candidates in 2025 Elections–Deadline Thurs., Feb. 15, 2024
(via ACRL) The Association of College & Research Libraries is dedicated to enhancing the ability of library and information professionals to dream big and shape our future. Don’t be shy! Your participation matters and we invite you to be a part of shaping the future of ACRL. The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC)…
Reminder: Registration Open for NNLM – Region 6 Spotlight Speaker Webinar “Holding Space to Discuss a Complicated Past: Exploring Medical Libraries’ Role in Perpetuating Racial Science”–Fri., Nov. 17, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT
(via Bobbi Newman, Network of the National Library of Medicine – Region 6) Registration is open for the Network of the National Library of Medicine – Region 6 webinar “Holding Space to Discuss a Complicated Past: Exploring Medical Libraries’ Role in Perpetuating Racial Science”. It will take place on Friday, November 17, from 10:00 to 11:00…
Registration Open for CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars in November
The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois is pleased to share the following Professional Development Alliance (PDA) webinar offerings in November. Rethink and Rejuvenate Your Meetings Meetings should be productive and have a purpose. Many times staff members dread meetings and would rather do anything but attend them. This session will introduce and…