(via Dan Bostrom, RAILS) Would you like to work with a dedicated team of colleagues representing all types and sizes of libraries to help shape the future of a member-driven, vibrant, and innovative library system? RAILS invites nominations to fill the following positions on our board: The term for the special library seat begins on…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Registration Open for Free ACRL Leadership Discussion Group Webinar “The Art of Authenticity: Tools to Become an Authentic Leader and Your Best Self” (Wed., April 5, at 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Exciting (Free) Event Alert: Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Leadership Discussion Group presents Karissa Thacker on “The Art of Authenticity: Tools to Become an Authentic Leader and Your Best Self”. Are you looking to become a more effective leader by embracing your authentic self? ACRL Leadership Discussion Group…
Reminder: Nominations Deadline for Illinois Library Association Awards is Mon., May 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) As important as the library itself is, the staff of libraries play an equally important role in the communities they serve. By providing educational resources, hosting community events, and creating a safe and welcoming space for all, library staff are essential to the success of local libraries. This is…
Registration Open for ACRL ULS Professional Development Committee Webinar “Model Reference Behavior” (Wed., March 29, at 3:00 PM CDT)
(via Samantha Harlow, University of North Carolina at Greensboro) Registration is open for the free ACRL University Libraries Section Professional Development Committee webinar “Model Reference Behavior”. It will take place on Wednesday, March 29, at 3:00 PM CDT. Everyone wants to provide exceptional chat reference services, and SMU Libraries has exceeded expectations. Since it’s the initial…
Registration Open for Webinar “NNLM Region 6 Projects – Multilingual Health Information Resources” (Wed., March 22, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)
(via the National Library of Medicine) Registration is open for the webinar “NNLM Region 6 Projects – Multilingual Health Information Resources”. It will take place on Wednesday, March 22, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. Please see below for more details, including the link to registration. This webinar will feature two NNLM Region 6 awardees who…
Call for Proposals Extended: Core Forum (in New Orleans Thurs., Oct. 19 – Sat., Oct. 21)–New Deadline Fri., March 24
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) To accommodate those who would like some additional time, the Core Forum call for proposals deadline has been extended to Friday, March 24. Forum prioritizes networking opportunities and practical professional development. Join us in New Orleans, October 19-21, 2023! We’re looking for presentations on hot topics and innovative content in the following…
Call for Volunteers: CARLI Committees for 2023-26 (Deadline Fri., May 5)
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) CARLI is seeking volunteers to serve on advisory committees. Volunteers chosen will serve a three-year term, July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. CARLI is also seeking volunteers to serve on a new Archives Task Force as approved by the CARLI Board at their March 10 meeting. The initial term of…
Registration Open for First Session of ILA Diversity Committee’s United Shades Discussion Series (Online Fri., March 31, at 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Tamara Jenkins, Illinois Library Association) Given the current social climate, it is challenging to find a safe space to celebrate and explore our unique qualities, be they cultural, racial, physical, or sexual. Although libraries across the country provide services and resources to patrons related to diversity issues, library professionals have recognized a lack of diversity…
Call for Poster Session Proposals: ALA Annual Conference (Thurs., June 22 – Tues., June 27, in Chicago)–Deadline Wed., March 15
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Present a Poster Session at the American Library Association’s 2023 Annual Conference & Exhibition! This year’s meeting will take place in Chicago, IL, from Thursday, June 22, to Tuesday, June 27. Don’t miss out on this key professional-development opportunity to share your best ideas and work with the library community….
Registration Open for ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee’s Virtual Event “Teaching Material, Visual, and Political Literacy: Primary Sources in Library Instruction” (Mon., April 3, at 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Rachel Trnka, University of Central Florida) The ACRL Instruction Section Teaching Methods Committee would like to invite you to register for our virtual event: “Teaching Material, Visual, and Political Literacy: Primary Sources in Library Instruction” on Monday, April 3, at 1:00 PM CDT. Join librarians and archivists from the University of Kentucky as they…