(via Michelle Zafron, University at Buffalo) Do you have a colleague who has made a substantial contribution to medical librarianship? Would they give a compelling lecture at the Medical Library Association’s annual meeting? Please take the time to nominate the person for the Janet Doe Lectureship award, one of the most prestigious awards given by…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Call for Applicants: HLC/MLA Professional Development Grant for Health Sciences Librarians in Hospitals or Other Clinical Care Institutions–Deadline Tues., Nov. 15
(via Loren Hackett, Cleveland Clinic) Whether you are in the middle of your career, new to it all, or have worked for many years, the HLC/MLA (Hospital Library Caucus of the Medical Library Association) Professional Development Grant is an amazing opportunity for a professional journey into education or research. The grant is open to librarians…
Reminder: ACRL Science & Technology Section Mentoring Program Needs Mentors and Mentees
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Would you like to expand your views on a science technology librarianship? Are you a library student or new librarian with lots of questions, and looking to find some insight into the profession and hear more advice? Are you considering a career change switching to STEM librarianship or looking…
Reminder: Application Deadline for 2023 Class of ALA Emerging Leaders is Fri., Sept. 9, 2022
(via the American Library Association) The American Library Association (ALA) is now accepting applications for the 2023 class of Emerging Leaders (EL). The ALA EL program is a leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country and Canada to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into…
Registration Open for 2022 Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting (Sun., Oct. 23 – Tues., Oct. 25, in Richmond, VA)–Deadline Mon., Oct. 10
(via John Cyrus, Virginia Commonwealth University) Registration is now open for the 2022 Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. It will take place from Sunday, October 23, to Tuesday, October 25, in Richmond, Virginia. This will be the first in-person meeting for MAC/MLA since 2019 and will mark 11 years since the…
Call for Nominee Suggestions: 2023 Illinois Library Association Executive Board Election (Deadline 5:00 PM CDT on Mon., Oct. 24)
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the 2023 Executive Board Election. In April 2023, members will vote for the ILA Vice-President/President-elect and for four Executive Board positions, which can be public, school, academic, special, or library trustee representatives. These are three-year terms beginning July of 2023 and ending…
ACRL Announces 2023 Board of Directors Candidates–UIUC’s Elisandro (Alex) Cabada on Ballot for Vice-President/President-Elect
(via ACRL) ACRL is pleased to announce the slate of candidates for the association’s Board of Directors for the 2023 ALA/ACRL elections. Vice-President/President-Elect: Leo S. Lo, The University of New Mexico Elisandro (Alex) Cabada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Director-at-Large: Tarida Anantachai, North Carolina State University Libraries Kevin Butterfield, University of Richmond Director-at-Large: Mary Beth…
Call for Feedback: CARLI’s Next Strategic Plan (Survey Deadline Sat., Oct. 15)–Informational Webinars on Tues., Oct. 4 (2:00-3:00 PM CDT) and Wed., Oct. 5 (10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) CARLI invites you to help shape the next strategic plan. Please access the survey here. It is open through Saturday, October 15. We also invite you to join us for a Zoom session about the next plan. Register for either of these two sessions. Tuesday, October 4, 2:00-3:00 PM…
Reminder: CARLI Seeking Public Comment and Endorsement on Statewide Support for Creation and Adoption of OER (Participation Limited to CARLI Member Libraries)–Deadline Tues., Aug. 23
(via CARLI) At their June 2022 meeting, the CARLI Board of Directors endorsed a statement (please see “Call for Public Comment” link below) from the CARLI OER Committee to the Illinois College Course Materials Affordability and Equitable Access Collaborative Study Act and Task Force–“CCM Task Force”–that encourages the CCM Task Force to consider Open Educational Resources…
Call for Applicants: Second Round of CARLI Illinois SCOERs Grants for Creating Open Educational Resources (Intent to Apply Forms Due Fri., Sept. 30, with Final Deadline of Mon., Oct. 31)
(via Dr. Michele Leigh, CARLI) The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois (CARLI) is pleased to announce the availability of a second round of applications for the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) as part of the Illinois SCOER (Support for Creation of Open Educational Resources) program. This project has been fully funded…