(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA Students and New Professionals (SANP) Forum is seeking emerging and experienced library professionals to partake in the Career Pathway Talk Series. This season of the series will focus on three different topics: networking, career changers, and the retention of BIPOC library professionals and students. The series will be held every two…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
Final Reminder: MLA 2022 Conference (Currently May 2-7 in New Orleans) Abstracts for Contributed Papers and Immersion Sessions Due Wed., Oct. 13
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2022 National Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts for immersion sessions, papers, posters, and lightning talks. There will be two rounds for submissions: Round 1: Contributed papers and immersion sessions (Wednesday, August 18 – Wednesday, October 13, 2021) Round 2: Posters and lightning talks (Wednesday, December 15, 2021 – Wednesday, January 26,…
Registration Open for October CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars (Part 2 of 2)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) “One is the Loneliest Number: DEI Perspective” Thursday, October 14, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT Panelists share their diverse perspectives on being the “only one” or “one of the few” BIPOC librarians in their library. During this important talk, panel members will discuss what support, if any, they receive from leadership, navigating workplace…
Registration Open for October CARLI Professional Development Alliance Webinars (Part 1 of 2)
Please excuse any cross-posting. (via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) “Being A Team of One: A Panel on Community College Libraries” Monday, October 4, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT How does a librarian juggle teaching information literacy, staffing the desk, managing the collection, and building relationships on campus? Panelists from community colleges around NC will share practical advice for…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for 2022-2024 ALA Association, Council, and Joint Committees is Thurs., Sept. 30, 2021
(via Lessa Kanani’opua Pelayo-Lozada, American Library Association President-Elect) Don’t forget to submit your volunteer application for Association, Council, and Joint Committees by Thursday, September 30, 2021. We encourage members to lead together for change by volunteering to serve on ALA, Council, and Joint committees for the 2022-2024 term (beginning July 1, 2022). Serving on a committee provides members with…
Call for Submissions: MLA’s Rittenhouse Award for Best Unpublished Paper or Web-Based Project on Health Sciences Librarianship or Medical Informatics, by Student or Trainee (Deadline Mon., Nov. 1)
(via Suzanne Fricke, Washington State University) The Rittenhouse Award is presented annually by the Medical Library Association (MLA) for the best unpublished paper or web-based project on health sciences librarianship or medical informatics, submitted by a student in an American Library Association (ALA)-accredited program of library and information studies or by a trainee in an internship in health sciences librarianship or medical…
Registration Open for Inaugural RUSA Business Reference And Services Section Fall Thing (Online Tues., Oct. 19 – Thurs., Oct 21)
(via Rashelle Nagar, Stanford University) On behalf of RUSA-BRASS, we are delighted to invite you to register for the first-ever BRASS (Business Reference And Services Section) Fall Thing. This three half-day event lasts from Tuesday, October 19, to Thursday, October 21, and it features live content focusing on business information literacy and a vault of pre-recorded videos pertaining to AACSB accreditation…
Call for Proposals: ACRL ULS Current Topics Discussion Group Webinars (Deadline Fri., Oct. 22)
(via Sara Scheib, University of Iowa) The ACRL University Libraries Section Current Topics Discussion Group will meet virtually in 2021-2022 in lieu of meeting in-person at ALA conferences. We are inviting proposals for two virtual presentations in the fall/winter and spring/summer, dates TBD. Possible formats might include either lightning talks (10-15 minutes) or full session…
Save the Date: ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group First Friday Forums (Start December 3)
(via Anna Ferri, Roseman University of Health Sciences) Introducing First Friday Forums: As fun as medical librarianship gets! Starting Friday, December 3, at 11:00 AM CDT, the Health Sciences Interest Group with ACRL will be launching a new program to help health sciences librarians stay excited about our work. Help us get these get these…
Reminder: Registration Still Open for ILA Annual Conference (Online Oct. 12-14)–Final Deadline Fri., Oct. 8
(via the Illinois Library Association) There’s still time to register for the 2021 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference! This year’s event, themed “Breaking Down Barriers: Building Up Communities”, will take place entirely virtually from Tuesday, October 12, to Thursday, October 14. The conference will feature an array of informative sessions on the latest topics in…