(via Mary Wahl, Pasadena City College) Help inform the current landscape of library liaison services at community colleges! If you are a librarian at a community college in the US, you are invited to participate in a brief survey about liaison services. The survey is expected to take 5-10 minutes to complete. About the study:…
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ALA Working Committee on Eliminating Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Justice Seeking Input for Creating Toolkit (Deadline Friday, April 12)
(via Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library) I was recently appointed to the ALA Working Committee on Eliminating Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Justice. This group was formed as a result of the passage of a Resolution on Monetary Library Fines as a Form of Social Inequity at ALA Midwinter 2019. We are…
Call for Participants: Survey on Privacy Literacy Instruction (Deadline April 11)
(via Sarah Hartman-Caverly, on behalf of Alexandria Chisholm, both of Penn State University’s Berks campus) Greetings colleagues, You are invited to participate in a research study about privacy literacy instruction practices in academic libraries. We are interested in learning about what privacy topics are taught, in what instructional contexts it occurs, what teaching and learning…
Reminder: Academic Libraries in RAILS Service Area Encouraged to Complete Brief Survey (Deadline 5:00 PM CST on Friday, March 8)
(via Mary Witt, RAILS) During our 2018 strategic plan revision process, RAILS’ academic library members told us that they needed help telling their story and proving the value of the academic library to administrators, faculty, students, and other stakeholders. RAILS is working on a year-long campaign to help meet this need. As a first step,…
Call for Participation: Survey on Open Access Policies in Academic Libraries (Deadline March 15)
(via Rachel Scott, University of Memphis) We invite you to participate in study of open access policies in academic libraries tentatively titled, “Open Access as a Collections Strategy: Policy or Happenstance?” This study seeks to establish the extent to which OA is written into academic library policies. We expect this survey to take approximately ten…
Call for Participation: Survey on Challenges and Needs of Medical and Health Sciences Libraries
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University) Greetings from the STM RA21 Hospital Clinical Access Library Working Group! We are conducting a study to learn the particular challenges and needs of hospital, health systems, and/or health center/clinic libraries with regard to authentication, technical support, and library resource access. This link leads to an…
Call for Participation: Survey on Potential CARLI Application for CLIR Grant (Survey Deadline 2/15)
(via Anne Craig, CARLI) Good afternoon! Following is an email I sent last week to directors about a survey to assess whether CARLI might apply for the CLIR Digitizing Hidden Collections grant. Please consider completing and submitting it. I also write to you today to publicize the CLIR webinar about the grant on Tuesday, Feb….
Reminder: CARLI Resource Sharing Committee’s Survey on I-Share Standard Policies Closes 2/15
(via Debbie Campbell, CARLI) As 2019 marks the 7th year that the I-Share “UB” Standard policies have been fully implemented across the consortium, the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee is undertaking a review of the policies. This survey, to gather I-Share member library feedback, is one portion of the Committee’s review of the policies: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UBPolicyReview Please…
Call for Participation: Survey on Identity and Emotional Labor in Providing Face-to-Face Services in Libraries
(via Mary Oberlies, College of William and Mary) You are invited to participate in a research survey examining the effect of personal and professional identity on the level of emotional labor performed in providing face-to-face services in libraries. The purpose of this study is to discover how library employees at different professional levels and from…
Call for Participation: Survey on Makerspaces in Academic Libraries
(via Katy Mathuews, Ohio University) Greetings! We are conducting a survey to learn about academic library makerspaces for an upcoming book on planning, collaborating, and supporting campus innovation via academic library makerspaces. We would love to hear about your academic library makerspace! Please consider taking our survey. The survey should take less than 5 minutes…