(via Rachel Keiko Stark–California State University, Sacramento) Please complete our survey exploring on Intergenerational Communication in Health Sciences and Medical Libraries. Thank you to everyone how has already completed our survey, we thank you for your time. We thank everyone who will complete our survey before Friday September 14, 2018. INFORMED CONSENT You are invited…
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ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee Seeking Feedback on Meeting Room Interpretation Draft
(via Julie Warga, Kenyon College) In July 2018, the Intellectual Freedom Committee formed a working group that brought multiple voices and a broad range of perspectives together, including representatives from the diversity community, to revise “Meeting Rooms: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights,” adopted by ALA Council at ALA Annual Conference in New…
Virginia ACRL Chapter Survey on Engagement of Academic Librarians in State Organizations
(via the Virginia Chapter of ACRL) Dear Academic Library Colleagues- We invite you to participate in a survey that seeks to examine the engagement of academic librarians in their statewide or regional library organization. The survey seeks your perspective on a range of topics, including your current level and method of engagement in professional service at the state…
NNLM – Greater Midwest Region Seeking Feedback From Member Community Colleges for Needs Assessment
(via Samuel Watson, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The GMR is currently in the process of conducting a training needs assessment to help us better understand the needs of the community colleges within our 10-state region. If you are a community college librarian or community college faculty member – or if you know and…
Registration to Participate in HEDS Research Practices Survey is Open
(via Adrea Hernandez, Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium) We are excited to announce that registration for the 2018-2019 HEDS Research Practices Survey is now open: https://hedsconsortium.wufoo.com/forms/20182019-heds-research-practices-survey/. The HEDS Research Practices Survey assesses students’ research experiences and their skills in finding, evaluating, and citing sources. Faculty and librarians can use student- and course-level data from this…
Reminder: ILA Seeking Feedback on Strategic Plan Draft (Deadline July 12)
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Diane Foote, ILA Executive Director) You may have heard the news that ILA is beginning a process to update and refresh our current strategic plan. Much in that plan remains perennially relevant, but as times change so will we evolve. Over the coming months, we will…
Call for Participation: Survey on Libraries, Democracy, and Civic Engagement (Deadline July 16)
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services, on behalf of Heather Braum, American Library Association Washington Office) Dear library community, The American Library Association’s Washington Office and I invite you to participate in a short survey to share ways your library supports democracy and civic engagement in your community. Stories (more than lists of events) are…
Illinois Library Association Seeking Feedback on Strategic Plan Draft (Deadline July 12)
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of Diane Foote, Illinois Library Association Executive Director) You may have heard the news that ILA is beginning a process to update and refresh our current strategic plan. Much in that plan remains perennially relevant, but as times change so will we evolve. Over the…
Call for Volunteers: Field-Testing of New Surveys for ACRL’s Project Outcome for Academic Libraries
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) The ACRL Project Outcome for Academic Libraries Task Force<http://www.ala.org/acrl/aboutacrl/directoryofleadership/taskforces/acr-tfpi> seeks volunteers to field-test new surveys it has developed. Its work is based on adapting PLA’s Project Outcome<https://projectoutcome.org/>, and the new academic library toolkit will launch in 2019. The goal is to provide users with free, easy-to-use, standard…
Reminder: ACRL Seeking Feedback on Signature Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (Deadline June 29)
(via Rachel Minkin, Michigan State University) The ACRL Board of Directors is seeking input on the development of the association’s Signature Initiative on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). During the Leadership Council meeting at the 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting, the Board solicited comments from leaders across the association regarding equity, diversity, and social justice related…