(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is now open for the MLA webinar “What’s Needed to Make a Literature Search Reproducible? An Introduction to PRISMA-S”?. It will take place on Tuesday, August 10, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. PRISMA-S is a new reporting guideline designed to help librarians, information specialists, and teams conducting systematic…
Category: Webinars
Registration Open for Choice Webinar “The Socially-Distanced Library: Best Practices During and After COVID-19” (Thurs., July 29, 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Choice 360) What policies can academic libraries introduce in response to higher education changes hastened by the pandemic? That’s the question seven panelists will try to answer in the upcoming Choice-ACRL webinar “The Socially-Distanced Library: Best Practices During and After COVID-19”. The webinar will take place on Thursday, July 29, starting at 1:00 PM…
Registration Open for Library of Congress Webinar “Foundations: Information Literacy and Primary Sources” (Tues., July 27, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)
(via the Library of Congress) Registration is open for the Library of Congress webinar “Foundations: Information Literacy and Primary Sources”. It will take place on Tuesday, July 27, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. Information literacy involves multiple skills, including: identifying where information comes from, evaluating claims and evidence; identifying bias; and researching for additional…
Reminder: Registration Open for Georgia Library Association Webinar “Keeping Our Sanity During Change” (Wed., Aug. 4, at 1:00 PM CDT)
(via Emily Williams, Georgia State University) The Georgia Library Association Carterette Webinar Series presents “Keeping Our Sanity During Change”. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, August 4, at 1:00 PM CDT. More information is below. Description Discover your power in the organization, and where you do and do not have control. Learn about giving…
Registration Open for Free August 12 Virtual Conference “Cataloging Queer Library Issues: A symposium to honor Walt ‘Cat’ Walker” (Currently Limited to 500 Attendees)
(via John Jackson, Loyola Marymount University) The registration for the Thursday, August 12, virtual symposium “Cataloging Queer Library Issues: A symposium to honor Walt ‘Cat’ Walker” is now open. Registration is free, but space is limited to 500 virtual guests (a live streaming option will be available if we reach our max capacity). To register,…
Registration Open for Free Libraries & Veterans National Forum (Online Sept. 13-24)–Limited to 250 Attendees
(via Sarah LeMire, Texas A&M University) We would like to invite you to join us at this fall’s Libraries & Veterans National Forum. The Forum, which was rescheduled due to COVID, will be an online conference format for the safety of our participants. There is no cost to attend due to a grant from the Institute of Museum…
Registration Open for Collection Evaluation & Assessment IG Session (Online Mon., July 26, 1:00-2:00 PM CDT)
(via Stephanie Church, Case Western Reserve University) All are welcome to join the virtual Collection Evaluation & Assessment IG Session, where several of our colleagues will share their expertise. The session is on Monday, July 26, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT, and is free to attend. Each presentation will be approximately 7-10 minutes in length followed…
Registration Open for Amigos Library Services Webinar “Let It Go: Weeding Your Library’s Collection” (July 27 and 28, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Fri., July 23
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) Registration is now open for the Amigos Library Services webinar “Let It Go: Weeding Your Library’s Collection”. This webinar will take place on Tuesday, July 27, and Wednesday, July 28, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT both days. It’s no secret that information professionals have strong opinions when it comes to…
Call for Proposals: Virtual 2021 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries Symposium on Wed., Nov. 17 (Deadline Fri., Sept. 3)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the inaugural Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium, a free event that will take place virtually on Wednesday, November 17 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference and…
Registration Open for Free 2021 South Carolina Conference on Information Literacy (Online Aug. 4-6)
(via Shannon Jones, Director of Libraries at Medical University of South Carolina) Registration is now open for the 2021 South Carolina Conference on Information Literacy (SCCIL). The event will take place virtually from Wednesday, August 4, to Friday, August 6. There is no cost to register. The South Carolina Conference on Instruction Literacy is a new…