Maintains the archives of HSLI, and shall send archival materials for storage to the University of Illinois Archives Library, Champaign-Urbana.
Chair: Miranda Shake (2010)
Lakeview College of Nursing Library
903 North Logan Ave.
Danville, IL 61832
Phone 217-709-0927
Fax 217-709-0955
mshake (at) lakeviewcol (dot) edu
Reviews the Bylaws every two years and make recommendations to the membership. The Chair of the Bylaws Committee shall serve as Parliamentarian of the organization.
Deborah Lauseng
Associate Professor and Regional Head Librarian
Library of the Health Sciences – Peoria
University of Illinois Chicago
dlauseng (at) uic (dot) edu
Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship Endowment Committee
Holly Hudson
Stacey Knight-Davis
Jonna Peterson
Graham Stephenson
Natalie Bobrowski
Conference Committee
Plans the annual meeting
Statewide Conference Planning Committee Guidelines
Fosters awareness of the progress of and the implications for state and federal legislation as they relate to health sciences librarianship. The Committee may submit recommendations for a legislative platform to the membership, and may recommend individual or group actions, as appropriate.
Co-Chair: Isabel Ryan
iSchool at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Co-Chair: Cara Foster
Loyola University Chicago
cforster1 (at) luc (dot) edu
Responsible for membership development and renewal, maintaining a membership directory, and maintaining a list of life members.
Chair: Jonna Peterson
Health Sciences Library, Health Sciences Campus
Loyola University Chicago
Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing – Room 1520
2160 S. First Ave
Maywood, IL 60153
jpeterson2 (at) luc (dot) edu
Prepares the HSLI Newsletter
Co-Editor: Eric Edwards
Illinois State Library
Gwendolyn Brooks Building
300 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1796
EEdwards (at) ilsos(dot) net
Co-Editor: Joyce Pallinger
Aurora University
Phillips Library
347 S. Gladstone Ave.
Aurora, IL 60506
Nominating and Elections Committee
Prepares the slate of candidates for the annual election of HSLI officers. The Committee shall also conduct the election.
Chair: Lesley Wolfgang
Hospital Sisters Health System
HSHS St. John’s Hospital
800 E. Carpenter
Springfield, IL 62769
217-544-6464 x44566
Web Site
Maintains the HSLI web site and electronic communications.
Webmaster: Stacey Knight-Davis
Eastern Illinois University
Booth Library
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
slknight (at) eiu (dot) edu
Listserv Moderator: Linda Feinberg
Evanston Hospital
Webster Library
2650 Ridge Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 570-2651
lfeinberg (at) northshore (dot) org