HSLI 2010 Annual Conference – Building Partnerships: Pathways to Library Opportunities. Thursday, October 21 and Friday, October 22, 2010 at the Wyndham Lisle-Chicago Hotel & Executive Meeting Center. Lisle, IL.
Posters will be displayed on the evening of */Thursday, October 21, 2010 from 6-9 pm/* during “Nancy’s Reception”. Posters on all topics related to library projects, services and research are welcome for submission, particularly those that are in line with the conference theme. Posters displayed at other conferences will also be considered. The evening will provide a venue for sharing ideas and networking with colleagues, and a great opportunity for those participating in their first poster session. Don’t worry if you’ve never submitted a poster before — this is a great time to start! Note: Registration for the conference is required.
Although the typical poster format is landscape, 48″ x 36″, any poster less than 49″ in length will be permitted. Poster presenters are strongly encouraged to bring in easels or stands for their posters. A limited number of easels and tables will be available from the hotel. This equipment must be requested in advance. Be sure to bring foam core board, cardboard, or some system to support your poster.
To apply, send an e-mail to Ramune Kubilius at r-kubilius@northwestern.edu by September 24, 2010 that includes the following information:
– First and Last Name of presenter(s)
– Email address
– Phone number
– Library, hospital, or other affiliation
– Title of Poster
– Abstract (/maximum 300 words/)
– Poster size
– Do you need to request: a) an easel or b) table space?
Confirmation, with final instructions, will be sent by October 1, 2010.
Questions? Please contact:
Ramune Kubilius /(HSLI 2010 Poster Session Committee Chair) /&Collection Development / Special Projects Librarian
Galter Health Sciences Library
Northwestern University
303 East Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611
More information about the 2010 HSLI Conference can be found here.