(via ACRL)
Ted Quiballo, MS/LIS, is User Support Specialist Associate and Instructional Technologies Librarian at Northwestern University’s Evanston campus.
Describe yourself in three words
Engaging, facilitator, supportive.
What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?
For work, I am currently reading “Creating and Sharing Online Library Instruction” by Joelle Pitts, Sara K. Kerns, and Heather Collins. For myself, I am currently reading “Love Does” by Bob Goff.
Describe ACRL in three words
Active, initiator, inclusive.
What do you value about ACRL?
As an early-career librarian, I value ACRL in a few key ways: their focus on inclusivity and diversity, their commitment to early career librarians, their focus on increasing student learning and success. I attended the Symposium for Strategic Leadership in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Minnesota back in May 2018. This ARL/ACRL sponsored symposium was critical in laying out the foundational actions my colleagues and I developed for our library’s EDI&A initiatives and in support of our cross-university priorities. As a 2019 Emerging Leader, I have the honor of being sponsored by ACRL Science and Technology Section (STS). The financial and leadership support for early career librarians really underscores their acknowledgement of the importance of networking, creating active communities of practice, and their commitment to professional development. ACRL’s literature does a great job of keeping me informed about best practices and new ideas being implemented across the profession. This is what I value about ACRL.
To read the full interview, go to http://www.ala.org/acrl/iamala/ted-quiballo.