(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the third MIRL Symposium, a free event that will take place virtually on Thursday, November 16 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and those with an interest in…
Western Illinois University’s Jade Kastel Named Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year
(via the Illinois Library Association) Jade Kastel, Assistant Professor, Music Librarian, and Library Diversity Officer at Western Illinois University (WIU) Libraries, is the 2023 recipient of the Illinois Library Association’s (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. The award, presented by the ILA Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries (IACRL) Forum, recognizes an…
Registration Open for Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries and Technical Services Section Joint Conference (Online Fri., Aug. 4)–Deadline Tues., Aug. 1
(via Jackee Johnson, Northern Waters Library Service) The Wisconsin Association of Academic Libraries (WAAL) and Technical Services Section (TSS) Joint Conference is an interactive virtual experience taking place on Friday, August 4. This event is themed “Rethinking Resources: Changing Challenges, Seeking Solutions” and offers opportunities for both academic library workers and library workers involved in technical services in any type…
Call for Proposals: Advances in Library Administration and Organization Issue on Trauma-Informed Leadership in Libraries–Deadline Thurs., Aug. 31
(via David Ketchum, University of Oregon) Call for Proposals: Advances in Library Administration and OrganizationVolume 44: Trauma-Informed Leadership in Libraries Series Editor: David Ketchum, University of Oregon Trauma-informed practices have become an increasingly essential part of librarianship since the COVID-19 global pandemic. Trauma can result from a single negative event or repeated exposure to negative events over time, and can…
Call for Submissions: Virtual Projects Section in Journal of the Medical Library Association–Deadline Thurs., Aug. 3
(via the Medical Library Association) The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) Virtual Projects Section Advisory Committee is seeking current, innovative, and notable technology projects in health sciences libraries for the 2024 JMLA Virtual Projects Section. The Virtual Project Section appears on an annual basis in an issue of JMLA and recognizes projects that exemplify the range and direction of…
Registration Open for ALA Core Webinar “AI and Machine Learning: Transforming the Modern Campus and Library”–Fri., July 21, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT
(via Berika Williams, Tufts University) Join us for a free ALA Core virtual webinar “AI and Machine Learning: Transforming the Modern Campus and Library” by Amazon colleagues, Greg Ritter, Sr. Business Development Manager for Higher Ed and Libraries at Amazon, along with Mary Strain, Business Development lead for AI and machine learning for higher education…
Call for Participation: Informal Online Group Focusing on STEM Companion Document to ACRL Information Literacy Framework
(via Laura Wilson, College of the Holy Cross) I am interested in starting an informal online discussion group centered around the STEM companion document of the ACRL Information Literacy Framework. I’m initially thinking we’ll discuss the guidelines in the companion document, and how we can or have incorporated them into library instruction sessions and information…
Call for Applicants: ACRL College Library Director Mentoring Program (Intended for New Directors at Small Colleges)–Deadline Sat., July 15
(via Lisa Johnston, Director of Library Services at Eckerd College) Do you know a new college library director? Please consider encouraging a new colleague to join the College Library Director Mentoring Program. The program, now in its 30th year, is designed to enhance leadership capabilities of new college library directors, and to help them meet the unique…
Registration Open for NNLM Webinar “AI, Higher Education, and Medical Librarianship: Opportunities and Risks” (Tues., Aug. 15, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT)–Region 6, Including Illinois, is Sponsor
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is open for the NNLM webinar “AI, Higher Education, and Medical Librarianship: Opportunities and Risks”. It will take place on Tuesday, August 15, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. Region 6, which includes Illinois, is the sponsor. This presentation on the most recent developments of Artificial…
Call for Participation: Survey on Document Delivery Best Practices in U.S. Academic Libraries–Deadline Fri., Aug. 11
(via Rosemary Humphrey, Kennesaw State University) Researchers at Kennesaw State University Library System and Clemson University Libraries would like to invite US academic library personnel to take part in research regarding document delivery best practices among libraries in the United States. The online survey provided below is part of a research study to evaluate document…