(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is open for the NNLM webinar “Creating a Road Map for Career Success: Applying for Tenure, Promotion, or AHIP”. It will take place on Wednesday, July 26, from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM CDT. Region 3 is the sponsor. This webinar will provide guidance on applying for…
Registration Open for Georgia Library Association Carterette Series Webinar “The ‘Butterfly Effect’ – Cascading Compassion Satisfaction in Library Land”–Wed., Aug. 2, at 1:00 PM CDT
(via Emily Williams, Georgia Southern University) Registration is open for the next Georgia Library Association Carterette Series webinar, “‘The ‘Butterfly Effect’ – Cascading Compassion Satisfaction in Library Land”. It will take place on Wednesday, August 2, at 1:00 PM CDT. This is a free event. Description: This webinar will conceptually explore compassion satisfaction with a focus on helping…
Registration Open for ALA LTC Engagement Grant Webinar “Black Maternal Health Equity: Building a Platform for Advocacy & Community Engagement at a Unique NYC College”–Wed., Aug. 2, at 1:00 PM CDT
(via Hannah Arata, American Library Association) In this free webinar, learn how the Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) Library used their Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant to partner with birth justice community groups in the Bronx and develop an alumni and student peer leadership group that became the seed for an ongoing collegewide conversation and connection…
Call for Volunteers: RAILS Committees (RAILS Membership Required)–Deadline Fri., July 14
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The RAILS Board is looking for volunteers from our member libraries who are interested in using their experience and expertise to help shape system services and have an impact on all Illinois residents. We are looking for volunteers from all sizes and types of libraries (academic, public, school, and…
Registration Open for 2023 Illinois Library Association Annual Conference (Tues., Oct. 24 – Thurs., Oct. 26, in Springfield)–Early-Bird Deadline Mon., Oct. 2
(via the Illinois Library Association) We are thrilled to announce that registration for the 2023 ILA Annual Conference is now open! The ILA Conference Program Committee invites you to join us in Springfield at the BOS Center from Tuesday, October 24, to Thursday, October 26, for an exciting opportunity to Connect, Cultivate, and Collaborate with your colleagues in the Illinois library community. This…
Registration Open for IHLS Cataloging Maintenance Center’s “Cataloging Basics” Asynchronous Online Course (Mon., Sept. 11, to Sun., Oct. 22)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) Registration is open for the next offering of the Cataloging Maintenance Center’s “Cataloging Basics” online course, which will last from Monday, September 11, to Sunday, October 22. This six-week crash course in basic cataloging dives into cataloging using RDA, the Resource Description and Access standards, and using MARC, the MAchine-Readable Cataloging…
Save the Date: True North Science Boot Camp 2024–Sunday, June 9, to Tuesday, June 11, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(via Justin Fuhr, University of Manitoba) After taking a year break, we’re pleased to announce that the True North Science Boot Camp will be taking place in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 2024! While the conference planning committee is hard at work, sorting out all the details, be sure to block off the dates of the 2024…
Call for Mentors and Mentees: ACRL Distance & Online Learning Section Mentorship Program (Runs from Sept. 5, 2023, to June 30, 2024)–Deadline Tues., Aug. 15
(via Christina Norton, Bradley University) Are you new to serving distance and online students and want to expand your professional knowledge/skills? Or are you an experienced librarian willing to share your knowledge to help others develop their skills in this area? The ACRL DOLS (Distance & Online Learning Section) Mentoring and Networking Committee invites you…
Call for Discussion Topics: Next Meeting of Health Science Librarians of Illinois Journal Club (Thurs., Aug. 17, 3:00-4:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Fri., July 7
(via Peggy Carey, National University of Health Sciences) Have you read an article or blog post, heard a podcast, viewed a presentation, or learned something new through another medium and want to talk about it? CALL FOR TOPICS The HSLI Journal Club plans to meet for an informal discussion of a selected publication/podcast/blogpost/presentation and share our understanding and its implications…
Registration Open for NNLM Webinar “Homelessness and Inclusion Health”–Thurs., July 20, 2:00-3:00 PM CDT
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is open for the NNLM webinar “Homelessness and Inclusion Health”. It will take place on Thursday, July 20, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CDT. Region 5 is the sponsor. The interactions between homelessness and health are complex. Having a greater understanding of these interactions, of complex…