State: The Illinois Legislature is in session and our senators and representatives are busy introducing several new bills, resolutions, and amendments. Most are currently being sent to the Assignments Committee as the next step in the process. Stay tuned! In the meantime, sign up for the Illinois Library Association (ILA) advocacy opportunities starting Wednesday, February…
Reminder: Registration Open for HSLI Journal Club Meeting This Thursday, February 16, 3:00-4:00 PM CDT–Article to Discuss is “Why are they not accessing it? User barriers to clinical information access”
(via Peggy Carey, National University of Health Sciences) The meeting will take place on Thursday, February 16, from 3:00 to 4:00 PM CDT. Please see below for links to the article and registration. At least one of the authors will be joining us to virtually discuss the article: Why are they not accessing it? User barriers to…
Registration Open for Free LILi Show & Tell Webinar “Using ChatGPT to Engage in Library Instruction? Challenges and Opportunities”–Wed., Feb. 22, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT
(via April Sheppard, Arkansas State University) The LILi (Lifelong Information Literacy) Web Committee is excited to invite you to our next free Show & Tell webinar! Titled “Using ChatGPT to Engage in Library Instruction? Challenges and Opportunities”, it will take place on Wednesday, February 22, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. The presenter is Dr. Ray Pun. Arriving in November…
Registration Open for NNLM Webinar “The All of Us Researcher Workbench”–Thurs., Feb. 16, 2:00-3:00 PM CDT
(via Kristi Sadowski, Oak Ridge Associated Universities) Registration is open for the webinar “The All of Us Researcher Workbench”. It will take place on Thursday, February 16, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CDT. The Network of the National Library of Medicine will host this webinar. Please see below for more details, including the link to registration. The All of…
Call for Chapter Proposals: Upcoming Book Information, Power, and Reproductive Health–Deadline Sat., April 1 (Office Hour on Wed., March 1, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT)
(via Gina Schlesselman-Tarango, Des Moines University) Call for Chapter Proposals Working Title: Information, Power, and Reproductive HealthEditors: Gina Schlesselman-Tarango (Des Moines University); Alanna Aiko Moore (University of California, San Diego); Renée Ann Rau (University of Southern California)Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 1Publisher: Library Juice Press Office hour: Wednesday, March 1, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT. Join the Information, Power, and Reproductive Health editorial team for…
Call for Proposals: Academic Library Association of Ohio Webinar Series “Librarians as Researchers: Developing our Scholarly Identities”–Deadline Fri., March 3
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Research & Publications Committee of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) is excited to announce that we are opening a call for proposals for a free virtual webinar series in Spring 2023. This series, titled, “Librarians as Researchers: Developing our Scholarly Identities”, is intended to support academic…
Registration Open for Hybrid Event “Let’s ChatGPT: Panel and Discussion”–Thurs., Feb. 16, at 12:00 PM CDT (in-Person Event at Lurie Medical Research Building in Chicago)
(via Dr. Kristi Holmes–Director, Galter Health Sciences Library and Learning Center at Northwestern University) Everyone has an opinion on ChatGPT these days–and the opportunities and challenges of such technologies in research, patient care, medical education, and scholarly communications. We’re also grappling with these topics at Northwestern and decided that it might be fun to arrange…
Registration Open for NNLM Virtual Symposium “Health Misinformation” (Tues., April 4 – Thurs., April 6)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library and Learning Center at Northwestern University) Registration is open for the NNLM (Network of the National Library of Medicine) Virtual Symposium, which will take place from Tuesday, April 4, to Thursday, April 6. The 2023 NNLM Virtual Symposium, themed “Health Misinformation“, will explore both the research behind health…
Registration Open for First Episode in NNLM Health Misinformation Webinar Series, “Service-Learning Projects and Misinformation for Diverse Audiences”–Tues., March 7, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT
(via the Network of the National Library of Medicine – Region 6) Health misinformation is a widespread problem, with false or misleading information about both long standing health concerns like cancer and emergent situations like the COVID-19 pandemic spreading at a rapid pace. Sometimes questionable health information is obvious, but it can also be difficult…
Registration Open for Webinar “Celebrate a Decade of Fair Use Week with the University of Illinois Library and Sandra Enimil” on Tues., Feb. 21 (6:00-7:00 PM CDT)
(via Sarah Benson, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Information Sciences) Registration is open for the webinar “Celebrate a Decade of Fair Use Week with the University of Illinois Library and Sandra Enimil”. It will take place on Tuesday, February 21, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM CDT. In this public webinar, Sandra Enimil, Copyright…