(via Dr. Nicole Cooke, University of South Carolina School of Information Science) Please join us for this season of #BakerLectures! We have an impressive and amazing line up of speakers, including the current President of the American Library Association and the Founder of Rosarium Publishing. Sessions are on Thursdays, at 3:00 PM CDT, via Zoom….
Registration Open for 2023 Reaching Forward South Conference (Fri., April 14, in O’Fallon)–Early-Bird Deadline is Thurs., March 16
(via the Illinois Library Association) Registration is now open for the 2023 Reaching Forward South Conference. The Reaching Forward South Conference is an annual one-day professional development conference for library support staff in central and southern Illinois. This year’s Conference is scheduled for Friday, April 14, at The Regency O’Fallon in O’Fallon, Illinois. Join your colleagues…
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: Free Library Instruction Together Conference (in-Person in Nashville, TN, on Fri., May 19; Virtual on Wed., May 24)–Submission Deadline Fri., Feb. 17
(via Sarah Smith, St. Louis Community College) Thanks to the amazing librarians in Tennessee and just beyond, LIT has grown so much in the past five years. We’ve decided to take a step toward expanding our scope and reach. To that end, the LIT Steering Committee is proud to announce that Library Instruction Tennessee is now…
Registration Open for Free IMLS National Forum Webinar Session #2, “Quality Assurance in Data Creation” (Thurs., Feb. 23, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT)
(via Grace Liu, West Chester University) Registration is open for the free Institute of Museum and Library Services National Forum Webinar Session #2, “Quality Assurance in Data Creation”. The webinar will take place on Thursday, February 23, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. Please see below for more information, including the link to registration. How do…
Call for Submissions–Future Issues of Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (Deadline for Fall 2023 Issue is Wed., March 1)
(via Bernadette Lear, Pennsylvania State University – Harrisburg) The journal Libraries: Culture, History, and Society (LCHS) is now accepting submissions for volume 7, number 2, to be published Fall 2023, and for subsequent issues to be published semiannually. To be considered for the next issue, submissions must be received no later than Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A peer-reviewed publication of the…
Final Reminder: Submission Deadline for 2023 IACRL People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing is Fri., Feb. 10, at 5:00 PM CDT
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Past President) The Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) Awards Committee is seeking submissions for the People’s Choice Award in Scholarly Publishing. This award will give academic and research librarians throughout Illinois the opportunity to read and evaluate scholarly works by their peers and then vote on a favorite….
Reminder: Registration Open for ILA Noon Network Webinar “Understanding Post-Pandemic Patrons: The Boundless Value of Ongoing Assessment” (Wed., Feb. 8, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT)
(via Tamara Jenkins, Illinois Library Association) Learn about the findings from patron surveys conducted by the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Richard J. Daley Library to identify areas for improvement during the COVID-19 pandemic during the next ILA Noon Network webinar, “Understanding Post-Pandemic Patrons: The Boundless Value of Ongoing Assessment”, on Wednesday, February 8, from…
Registration Open for CARLI Online Brown Bag Event “ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey” (Fri., Feb. 10, 12:30-1:30 PM CDT)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) Struggling with the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey? Would you like to ask other CARLI members how they’re responding? Join other CARLI member library staff to discuss questions, snarls, and sticky spots in your ACRL survey response. The discussion will be hosted by Devin Savage, IIT dean and chair…
Call for Submissions: Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education–Deadline Wed., April 5
(via Kristina Clement, Kennesaw State University) The call for papers for the Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education (JOERHE) is now open. JOERHE welcomes original quantitative and qualitative research articles and discussion pieces concerning Open Pedagogy, Open Data, and analyses of current topics in Open Educational Resources. Authors are encouraged to discuss the…
Call for Reviewers: Next “Internet Resources” Column of Public Services Quarterly, Focusing on “Wellness Resources/Tools to Destress”–Deadline Mon., Feb. 6
(via Lee Adams–California State University, East Bay) I would like to extend a call for reviewers for the next “Internet Resources” column of Public Services Quarterly. This issue’s IR column will focus on the theme of “Wellness Resources/Tools to Destress”. The websites featured in the column should be free resources relevant for academic, public services…