(via the National Institutes of Health) The NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP) and the Office of Extramural Research (OER) invite you to join them for an engaging and interactive webinar focused on the new DMS policy, which goes into effect on January 25, 2023. In this webinar, you will learn about DMS policy expectations,…
Registration Open for NNLM Webinar “Inclusive Disaster Planning: Considering the Needs of People with Disabilities” (Tues., Sept. 27, 1:00-2:15 PM CDT)
(via Rebecca Brown, Network of the National Library of Medicine) Registration is now open for the NNLM webinar “Inclusive Disaster Planning: Considering the Needs of People with Disabilities”. It will take place on Tuesday, September 27, from 1:00 to 2:15 PM CDT. This class will offer 1.25 MLA CE, qualifies for CHES credit and is…
Next ACRL Science & Technology Section Book Club Discussion on Fri., Sept. 30, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT–Selection Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law
(via Hannah Gascho Rempel, Oregon State University) Interested in joining the ACRL STS (Science & Technology Section) Book Club? Feel free to join us for our next book, Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law, by Mary Roach. More information about the book is available on the author’s website. We will take a different approach with this book…
Call for Mentors and Mentees: ACRL Science & Technology Section Mentoring Program
(via Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University) Would you like to expand your views on a science technology librarianship? Are you a library student or new librarian with lots of questions, and looking to find some insight into the profession and hear more advice? Are you considering a career change switching to STEM librarianship or looking…
Registration Open for Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference (Oct. 13-14, Thurs.-Fri., in Nashville, TN)–Early-Bird Deadline Sat., Sept. 10; Registration for Pre-Conference Session Closes Wed., Aug. 10
(via Margaret Ellingson, Emory University) Join us for the second Southeastern Resource Sharing Conference! The Conference will take place from Thursday, October 13, to Friday, October 14, at the Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville, TN. Meet colleagues from across the Southeast and discuss ways to strengthen regional resource sharing in all its aspects and among all types…
Registration Open for ACRL/SPARC Forum “Emerging ‘Inclusive Access’ Programs and Their Implications for Course Material Affordability” (Thurs., Aug. 4, at 12:00 PM CDT)
(via Sandra Enimil, Yale University) Join us for the free, virtual ACRL/SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) Forum “Emerging ‘Inclusive Access’ Programs and Their Implications for Course Material Affordability”. It will take place at 12:00 PM CDT on Thursday, August 4. In an effort to make course materials more affordable and accessible, many campuses…
Call for Volunteers: Jira Scholarship Fund Working Group
(via Cynthia Reynolds, HSLI President) The Jira Scholarship Fund was established in 2013 with a gift from the Helen Knoll Jira family. The purpose of the Fund is to aid Illinois residents who are pursuing either an ALA-accredited graduate degree in library science, or another graduate degree in a field that benefits the profession of librarianship…
Call for Nominations: HSLI Starfish Thrower Award (Deadline Wed., Aug. 31)
(via Cynthia Reynolds, HSLI President) The Starfish Thrower Award is presented to an HSLI member who has made a difference to the organization. The winner receives a trophy and is honored at the Awards Ceremony, held during the Annual Conference in the fall. Any HSLI member is eligible to nominate any other HSLI member for…
Call for Proposals: Association of Moving Image Archivists Conference (Dec. 7-9, Wed.-Fri., in Pittsburgh, PA)–Deadline Mon., Aug. 15
(via Laura Rooney, Association of Moving Image Archivists) The AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists) Conference Committee invites proposal submissions for sessions, posters, and workshops for the AMIA Annual Conference, to be held December 7-9 (Wednesday-Friday) in Pittsburgh, PA. Welcome back! We are excited to hold an in-person conference after the last couple of years…
Reminder: Survey on Book and Material Challenges in Academic Libraries Still Open
(via John Siegel and Jonathan Newton, University of South Carolina Upstate) We are conducting a research survey on the preparedness of academic libraries to handle book and material challenges. If you are a librarian, library assistant or staff member, or administrator at an academic library within the United States, please consider taking this survey. The…