(via the Illinois Library Association) We are seeking presenters for the Noon Network. The Noon Network is a free professional development resource for Illinois library professionals. Noon Network webinars are held at noon on Mondays and Wednesdays. If you are interested in presenting a webinar, please complete a webinar submission form or contact Tamara Jenkins…
Call for Proposals Extended: OLC Accelerate 2020 (New Deadline Monday, June 1)
(via the Online Learning Consortium) Wherever November finds us, the OLC Accelerate program now offers flexible presentation and attendance options. OLC Invites you to submit a presentation proposal for OLC Accelerate 2020, “20/20 Vision: Envisioning the Future of Online, Blended and Digital Learning”. The conference is currently scheduled for November 17-20 in Orlando, Florida, and a virtual…
Registration Open for Virtual Great Lakes Science Boot Camp (One Session Per Week from June 4 to July 30) — Deadline Monday, June 1
(via Jennifer Hart, University of Chicago) The Great Lakes Science Boot Camp 2020 is postponed to 2021 for the in-person format. The planning committee is, however, putting together a free slate of virtual meetings for Thursdays in June and July (with a few exceptions–see below), all lasting from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT. June 4–Open…
Call for Reviewers: Choice/ACRL Core Bibliography (Priority Deadline Monday, June 1)
(via Anne Doherty–Project Editor, Resources for College Libraries) The database Resources for College Libraries (RCL), the Choice/ACRL bibliography of essential titles for undergraduate teaching and research, seeks experienced library subject selectors and faculty to serve as peer reviewers. We are currently seeking referees for the following RCL Arts and Humanities subjects. American Literature British Literature Classical…
Registration Open for Library Juice Academy Online Course “Assisting Patrons with Mental Disorders Across Library Settings” (Runs Asynchronously from June 1 to June 28)
(via Rory Litwin, Library Juice Academy) The National Alliance of Mental Illness estimates that one in five children, teens, and adults suffer from a mental illness. With libraries functioning as a hub of the communities they serve, librarians must be prepared to serve patrons struggling with mental health issues. This course will provide librarians with…
Call for Participation: Survey on Academic Library Employees Acting as Instructional Designers During COVID-19
(via Kristin Cole, Otterbein University) I am conducting a survey on academic library employees and their work during the transition to online classes in Spring 2020 due to COVID-19. The purpose of this study is to determine the percentage of academic library employees who performed instructional design duties during this transition, which may include tasks…
Illinois Library Association Cancels In-Person Annual Conference, Seeks Input on Alternatives (Deadline June 1)
(via Diane Foote, ILA Executive Director) The Illinois Library Association has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s in-person conference scheduled for October 20-22, at the BOS Center in Springfield. The Conference Program Committee, ILA Vice President/President-Elect Veronica De Fazio, and staff believe that the safety and well-being of our community outweigh any prearranged…
Registration Open for CARLI Instruction Showcase (Online 9:00-11:30 AM on Friday, May 29) — Deadline May 28
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is coordinating its 8th annual Online Instruction Showcase on Friday, May 29. The showcase features innovative elements in library instruction and assessment, where presenters demonstrate instruction techniques and tools that are designed to enhance library instruction. The program, focused on the theme “Fresh Starts and Restarts: Growing Beyond Your…
Harper College’s Victoria Turner is Recipient of Initial CARLI Scholarship
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) The Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) is pleased to announce that Victoria Turner, Cataloging Assistant at Harper College Library in Palatine, has been selected to receive the CARLI Scholarship. CARLI is awarding this scholarship for the first time for the 2020/2021 academic year. “My first semester at…
Call for Presenters: Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group Lightning Talks During ALCTS Virtual Interest Group Week (June 8-12) — Deadline Tuesday, May 26
(via Jennifer Maddox Abbott, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign) The Creative Ideas in Technical Services Interest Group (CITSIG) of ALCTS seeks presenters for lightning talks for its session at ALCTS Virtual Interest Group Week, June 8-12, 2020. We’re looking for quick, bite-size (5-10 minutes) talks on what creative ideas and practices you’re currently implementing…