(via RAILS) If you missed the April 11 member update, a recording is now available on the RAILS YouTube page. Topics discussed include the increase in the minimum wage in Illinois, SimplyE and SimplyE for Consortia, Explore More Illinois, the latest news from RAILS members, and more. Save the date for the next member update on…
Reminder: Deadline to Volunteer for a CARLI Committee is Friday, April 26
(via Michelle Jean Haake, CARLI) This is a reminder that CARLI is seeking volunteers to serve on 8 advisory committees. The application period will close on April 26 at 5:00 p.m. Terms on the new committees will begin July 1, 2019. You can review the list of committees, their rosters and their charges at http://www.carli.illinois.edu/governance/committee-directory…
Call for Proposals: ACRL College Libraries Section CLIPP Publication Series (Deadline June 17)
(via John Garrison, Westminster College) The College Library Information on Policy and Practice (CLIPP) publishing program, under the auspices of the College Libraries Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, invites you to submit a preliminary proposal for its CLIPP publication series. The preliminary proposal should contain a description of the project, a…
Submission Deadline for Academic Library Association of Ohio Annual Conference Extended to Friday, April 26
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) conference planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 45th Annual Conference, Libraries Speak Up! Advocate. Collaborate. Educate., which will highlight the myriad ways we respectfully, effectively, and equitably speak up for our profession, our libraries, and our patrons through advocacy,…
Video of 2019 Information Literacy Summit Keynote Address by UIUC’s Dr. Nicole Cooke Now Available
(via Dr. Troy Swanson, Moraine Valley Community College) On behalf of the Information Literacy Summit planning committee, I am happy to share the video of Dr. Nicole Cooke’s keynote address. Please share with others are appropriate. Thanks Troy Swanson Moraine Valley Community College —- News, Media, & Disinformation: Making Sense in Today’s Information Landscape<https://youtu.be/4fs4MUGkKmM> https://youtu.be/4fs4MUGkKmM…
Call for Participation: Survey on Library Liaison Services at Community Colleges (Closes April 30)
(via Mary Wahl, Pasadena City College) Help inform the current landscape of library liaison services at community colleges! If you are a librarian at a community college in the US, you are invited to participate in a brief survey about liaison services. The survey is expected to take 5-10 minutes to complete. About the study:…
Registration for 2019 Targeting Autism Forum (May 16-17 in River Forest, IL) Closes Friday, April 19
(via Mary Pelich, Illinois State Library) Registration has been extended until April 19th, 2019 for the 5th Annual Targeting Autism National Forum May 16-17, 2019 on the campus of Dominican University in River Forest, Illinois. This year’s forum theme is autism and human/civil rights. We will have several national speakers to explore this important topic…
Reminder: Proposals for College & Research Libraries News “Perspectives on the Framework” Column Due Friday, April 19
(via Donna Witek, The University of Scranton) College & Research Libraries News and ACRL’s Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee invite proposals for the publication’s “Perspectives on the Framework” column. This bimonthly column provides a forum for librarians to share practices and perspectives related to the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The column…
Legislative Update, 04/16/2019
Federal news With President Trump’s renewed interest in health care, the Supreme Court might render a decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act prior to the 2020 election. From CNN. The Violence Against Women Act is up for reauthorization. It’s passed in the House and awaits vote in the Senate. The National Rifle…
Reminder: Registration Deadline for 7th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase is May 8
(via Marielle McNeal, North Park University) We hope you’ve saved the date! Registration is now open, please share with anyone at your institution who may be interested! The CARLI Instruction Committee is coordinating its seventh annual Instruction Showcase on Thursday, May 23rd at North Park University in Chicago, IL. The showcase features innovative elements in…