(via Amy Maroso, CARLI) Registrations are now open for linked data webinar series! Please join the CARLI Created Content Committee as they host a series of three webinars on linked data. The series will provide CARLI members with an overview of linked data, how it exists within the context of the library, and a few…
Call for Proposals: “Shaping the Future of Libraries with Instructional Design” Virtual Conference (Final Deadline 2/25)
(via Amanda Izenstark, University of Rhode Island) I am writing to bring your attention to the upcoming Library 2.019 Virtual Conference on *”Shaping the Future of Libraries with Instructional Design <https://www.library20.com/instructionaldesign>”*. This is the first conference of its type, an online and participatory conference that presents a unique opportunity to showcase research, work, and/or thinking…
Call for Volunteers: Illinois Library Association Committees
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of the Illinois Library Association) Interested in serving on an ILA committee? Appointments are now being considered for the coming program year. Appointments begin July 1, 2019. More information is below. ILA’s committees provide major support services for ILA membership, leadership, special interest groups, and the Executive…
Reminder: Registration Still Open for Designing for Digital Conference (March 4-6)
(via Kris Johnson, Montana State University) D4D19 is 7 weeks away! D4D (Designing for Digital) is a three-day conference packed with intensive, hands-on workshops and 30+ informative sessions meant to bring together colleagues working on user experience, discovery, design and usability projects inside and outside of libraries, drawing expertise from the tech and education communities,…
Request for Input on ILA Reporter Article Covering Libraries and Community Relationships
(via Sarah McHone-Chase, Northern Illinois University) I am writing an article for the ILA Reporter, and I would like to hear about the experience of others. At Northern Illinois University Libraries, we have other University offices in our building: tutoring, Writing Center, and others–even our Caribou Coffee. So, we have a lot of people who…
Applications Open for 2019 Elevate Illinois Libraries Leadership Program at Illinois State Library on April 27 (Deadline March 1)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Applications are open for Elevate Illinois Libraries Leadership Program that will be held on April 27, 2019, at the Illinois State Library. Elevate is a statewide library initiative to recruit and nurture future Illinois library leaders. This year’s program will focus on how to build effective teams. Through case studies and small…
Call for Proposals: Social Future of Academic Libraries Book (Deadline Extended to 1/31)
(via Dr. Tim Schlak, Robert Morris University) We are seeking contributions for a new book on The Social Future of Academic Libraries building on our panel session at ACRL 2017 viewing libraries through the lens of intellectual and social capital. Our point of departure is the current focus in college and university libraries on engagement, partnerships, community development, and social relations. The social turn in academic librarianship requires new ways of working…
Register Now for February 28 Amigos Library Services Online Conference, “Open Doors: Reaching Underserved Populations”
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) As librarians, providing equitable access to all patrons should be a top priority. The patrons visiting our libraries should reflect the diversity of the communities we live in. Unfortunately, there are many populations that go underserved. How can we broaden our reach to better serve all our community? Join…
2019 ALA MidWinter Session: ACRL Technical Services Interest Group Program Announcement
(via Cynthia Romanowski, Governors State University) The ACRL Technical Services Interest Group invites you to join us for three presentations on: Date: Saturday, January 26th 2019 Time: 4:30-5:30 PM Place/Room: Washington State Convention Center, Room 211 Following the BIBFLOW Roadmap: First Steps toward a Linked Data Environment Marcia Barrett, Cataloging & Metadata Strategies Librarian University…
Registration Open for January 17 RAILS Member Update
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago, on behalf of the Reaching Across Illinois Library System) All RAILS members are invited to attend this update, either at a videoconference location or via streaming. One of the featured reports is on the College of DuPage Library’s use of OERs. ——————————————————————————————————– All RAILS Member Library Staff…