(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) RAILS is revising their strategic plan<https://railslibraries.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2c51285b8d63e23716bce030f&id=721a01bf88&e=be063b278e>. As a part of this process, Executive Director Deirdre Brennan will be touring the RAILS area to hear about our members’ challenges and needs. Please come prepared to discuss “what keeps you awake at night” in your professional life and to…
Call for Proposals: 2018 LITA Technology Forum (Deadline May 1)
(via Jason Griffey, Harvard University) The Library and Information Technology Association seeks proposals for the 21st Annual LITA Library Technology Forum in Minneapolis, Minnesota from November 8-10, 2018. Building & Leading Our theme for the 2018 LITA Library Technology Forum is: Building & Leading. What are you most passionate about in librarianship and information technology? This…
Registration Open for May 14 “Engaging with the ACRL Framework” Workshop in Normal
(via Michelle Haake, CARLI) Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois State University, and CARLI are partnering to bring the Engaging with the ACRL Framework Workshop to Normal on May 14. This one-day workshop focuses on engaging more deeply with the Framework and exploring ways that it may help to enrich individual teaching practices, as well as their…
Call for Proposals: Digital Frontiers 2018 Conference (Deadline April 6)
(via Coby Condrey, University of North Texas) At the intersection of a range of disciplines, technologies, and communities, Digital Frontiers is an annual conference that seeks to explore, celebrate, question, and disrupt traditions in scholarship in order to advance an inclusive dialog that spans boundaries and highlights unlikely connections in the field of Digital Humanities. The theme…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Academic Library Impact Research Grants (Deadline Extended to 4/5)
(via Sara Goek, ACRL) In 2018 the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has allocated $20,000 to offer grants of up to $3,000 each for librarians to carry out new research in areas suggested by ACRL’s 2017 report Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research (prepared for ACRL by OCLC Research and available for download or purchase)….
Call for Nominations: Rethinking Resource Sharing Award (Deadline April 27)
(via Sue Kaler, Massachusetts Library System) The Rethinking Resource Sharing (RRS) (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/about/) Innovation Award (http://rethinkingresourcesharing.org/innovation-award/) recognizes and honors an individual or institution for changes they have made to improve users’ access to information through resource sharing in their library, consortium, state, province or country. The purpose of the award is to showcase innovation in resource…
ACRL Board Approves Revision of Standards for Libraries in Higher Education
(via Gwen Gregory, University of Illinois at Chicago) The ACRL Board of Directors has approved a revision of the association’s Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (SLHE). SLHE, adopted in 2004 and previously revised in 2011, is designed to guide academic libraries in advancing and sustaining their role as partners in educating students, achieving their…
Call for Panelists: ACRL 2019 Presentation on Multimodal Instruction
(via Delores Carlito, University of Alabama at Birmingham) I would like to put together a panel for ACRL 2019 on multimodal instruction. Topics can be: – Literacies (visual, media, digital, audio, cultural, spatial, etc.) – Threshold Concepts – Social Semiotics – How you teach students to search for or evaluate items other than “text” –…
Call for Proposals: College & Research Libraries News “Perspectives on the Framework” Column (Deadline May 1)
(via Sara Holder, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) College & Research Libraries News and ACRL’s Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee invite proposals for the publication’s “Perspectives on the Framework” column. This bimonthly column provides a forum for librarians to share implementations, best practices, critiques, explorations, and other perspectives developed from and in conversation with…
Call for Proposals: Academic Library Association of Ohio 2018 Conference (Deadline April 6)
(via the Academic Library Association of Ohio) The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) conference planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 44th Annual Conference, Take Action! Conveying Value, Cultivating Success, which will explore our impact on student engagement, student learning and student success. We all do great things that impact students, so let’s…