(via Meghan Sitar – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) The ACRL Instruction Section is seeking a Publication Editor. This volunteer position provides final-round editing for IS publications. The position is intended to ensure that IS publications are consistent, professional, and polished, and that they reflect well on IS and on ACRL. This position is also…
Call for Submissions: ACRL College Libraries Section Innovation in College Librarianship Award (Deadline Dec. 1)
(via Eric Kidwell, Huntingdon College) College libraries across the land are coming up with new and innovative ways to connect with their students and faculty and demonstrate their continued value to college administrators. What have you done that could serve as a model for other college libraries? Apply for the CLS Innovation College Librarianship Award…
National Library of Medicine Offering Opportunity for Public Librarians to Earn CHIS Certification
(via Bobbi Newman, National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) is recruiting members for a public-libraries-only offering of the class Health and Wellness @ the Library: The Essentials of Providing Consumer Health Services. This provides 12 CE credit, which is the amount needed for the…
Nominations Sought for 2017 Starfish Thrower Award
(via Miranda Shake, HSLI President) Annually, we nominate a member of HSLI for the Starfish Thrower Award. The Award recognizes the efforts and contributions of an HSLI member toward the success of the organization. The Starfish Thrower Award is based on the story of the child who “makes a difference” by throwing stranded starfish back…
ALCTS Seeking 2018 Innovation Awards Nominations (deadline Dec. 1)
(via Keri Cascio-Executive Director, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) Nominations are being accepted for the 2018 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) awards for innovation and collaboration. ALCTS presents two awards to honor individuals or groups whose work represents the finest achievements and leadership in collaboration and innovation. If you are…
ILA Diversity Survey Responses Sought (Deadline Sept.20)
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL Past President) The ILA Diversity Task Force wants to hear about the experiences of Illinois library workers from traditionally underrepresented groups in the field. Survey responses will be collected and examined to provide recommendations to ILA for the pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Illinois library community. Please complete…
Call for Abstract Reviewers: MLA 2018 Annual Meeting (Deadline to Sign Up Sept. 22)
(via Susan Steelman, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Library) The 2018 National Programming Committee invites reviewers for papers, posters and lightning talks for the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting and Exhibition, to be held May 18-23, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. To apply, fill out the Reviewer Interest form by Friday, September 22. The link…
Call for Posters: Open Up Conference on Open Educational Resources
(via Lucy Bungo, Director of Library Services at Villa Maria College) Has your library designed open educational resources (OERs) for faculty? Have you partnered with faculty on the curation of OERs for classroom use in specific subjects? Are you hosting OERs at your library? Have you done anything else with OERs that you want to…
Call for Proposals: 3rd National Personal Librarian & First Year Experience Library Conference (Deadline Oct. 6)
(via Brian Gray, Case Western Reserve University) Proposals are now being accepted for the 3rd National Personal Librarian & First Year Experience Library Conference, a 2-day event focused on all aspects of the first year experience and the personalization of outreach and services for incoming students. The conference will be hosted by Kelvin Smith Library…
CARLI Survey on Open Educational Resources (Deadline Oct. 2)
(via Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI) CARLI members were instrumental in the funding of the CARLI membership in the Open Textbook Network. The CARLI Board has established an Open Educational Resources Task Force that will support CARLI’s participation in the Open Textbook Network, will encourage cooperation and collaboration on open education resources, and will identify and develop…