(via Miranda Shake, Lakeview College) Applications are now being accepted for the Syed Maghrabi Conference Scholarship, for the 2016 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Conference. The scholarship provides up to $320.00 in reimbursements for conference registration and one night at the conference hotel. Recipients are responsible for registering and making hotel arrangements on their own….
Call for Nominations–HSLI Treasurer
(via Molly Horio, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center) The HSLI Board of Directors is seeking nominations of current HSLI members for election to the office of HSLI Treasurer. The Treasurer will serve a two-year term that begins after the 2016 Annual Business Meeting in November, and ends at the close of the Annual Business Meeting…
Reminder: Proposals for ACRL 2017 Due Friday, October 14
(via the Association of College & Research Libraries) ACRL invites you to share your research and creative endeavors with your colleagues at the 2017 ACRL Conference, themed “At the Helm: Leading Transformation”. Submit your proposal via the call for participation, available on the conference website. The submission deadline is approaching! Poster session, roundtable discussion, TechConnect presentation, and…
Call for Proposals–NASIG 32nd Annual Conference
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) The NASIG 32nd Annual Conference, themed “Racing to the Crossroads”, will take place from June 8 to 11, 2017, in Indianapolis, IN. Publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in the fields of electronic resources and serials are encouraged to submit proposals relating to scholarly communication, publishing, resource acquisition, management, and discovery….
Applications Sought for Shirley Olofson Memorial Award
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Are you looking for funds to help pay for your trip to ALA’s 2017 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL? Apply by Wednesday, December 14, for the NMRT Shirley Olofson Memorial Award, and you may receive a $1,000 check to help defray the cost of attendance. Applicants must meet the following requirements….
ACRL Comments on NSF Strategic Plan
(via Kara Malenfant, Association of College & Research Libraries) On September 26, 2016, ACRL provided feedback to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in preparation for updates to its Strategic Plan. As reflected in previous ACRL support for governmental policies and legislation that facilitate open access and open education, including the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) mandate…
LITA Forum Early-Bird Registration Deadline Extended to October 14
(via the Library Information Technology Association) We’ve extended the LITA members early-bird registration another two weeks, so there’s still time to register for the 2016 LITA Forum at the early-bird rate and save $50. LITA Forum early-bird rates will now end on Friday, October 14. To register, click here. The early-bird rate for LITA members is $340; after October 14, it…
Program Submissions for MLA 2017 Due October 10
(via Dana Kopp, Providence Health & Services in Missoula, Montana) The National Program Committee for the Medical Library Association’s 2017 Annual Meeting and Exhibition seeks abstracts for contributed content that supports the conference’s theme, “Dream, Dare, Do”. The call for submissions provides information on how to submit your abstract. Similar to last year, you will rank how…
OCLC Seeking Candidates for Global Council
(via the Online Computer Library Center, Inc.) Our Global and Regional Councils represent the voices of all member libraries. Bonnie Allen, Americas Regional Council (ARC) Chair, and ARC delegates invite you to contribute to the continued success of the cooperative. This year, we are seeking candidates for 10 seats to represent member libraries. These seats…
Register for the 2016 CARLI Annual Meeting
(via Margaret Chambers, CARLI) Register now to attend the CARLI Annual Meeting on Friday, November 18, from 10:15 AM to 3:00 PM, at the I-Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. The morning meeting will feature a report from new CARLI Senior Director Anne Craig, and an overview of several of the 2016 CARLI Committee projects. In the…