(via Linda Feinberg, NorthShore University HealthSystem) With the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-Greater Midwest Region moving its office from the University of Illinois at Chicago to the University of Iowa, the Health Science Librarians of Illinois listserv, which is hosted by the GMR, has a new e-mail address. The updated address is GMR-HSLI@list.uiowa.edu. Please delete…
Park Presents at DPLAfest
Sarah Park, Technology & Engineering Librarian at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, presented at the 2016 DPLAfest, which was sponsored by the Digital Public Library of America. This year’s event was in Washington, D.C., from April 14 to 15. Park’s workshop, titled “Geovisualization: Visualize that on a Map”, provided an introduction to geovisualization, which is a…
May 25 ACRL Webcast on Job Interviewing
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Join us for the free ACRL Presents webcast, “Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?: Thinking Critically About Interviewing for Librarian Positions”, on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CST. In this discussion-driven, interactive webinar, Robin O’Hanlon, author of Ace the Interview: Land a Librarian Job,…
Jung Gives Workshop at Designing for Digital Conference
John Jung, Programmer/Analyst at the University of Chicago Library, gave a workshop at the 2016 Designing for Digital Conference. This year’s event took place from April 5 to April 7 in Austin, Texas. Jung’s session, titled “From User Testing to Prototypes: Making Observations Tangible”, focused on utilizing prototypes to express observations by users, with a…
Smith Presents at Computers in Libraries Conference
Brian Smith, Applications & Web Developer at the Reaching Across Illinois Library System, gave several presentations at this year’s Computers in Libraries conference. The event took place in Washington, D.C., from March 8 to 10. Smith’s first presentation, “Learned From Our First Drupal 8 Site”, discussed the RAILS project to upgrade its website to Drupal…
Nominations Sought for TBS Technical Services Award
(via Gwen Gregory, IACRL President) Know someone who has planned a great tech. services program? What about an awesome tech. services leader? Is there anyone who stands out for excellent service to a regional, state, or national organization? Then nominate them! Think it’s you? Nominate yourself! Make sure your nominee meets the criteria, listed here (must…
Call for Proposals — CARLI Instruction Showcase on July 20
(via Lorna Engels, CARLI) The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the fourth annual Instruction Showcase on Wednesday, July 20, at Heartland Community College in Normal. Proposals should outline an instruction session activity that supports skills-based or conceptual learning and encourages active student participation. Please include a full lesson plan with your proposal. Attached…
CRL Collections and Services Webinar on May 11
(via Kevin Wilks, Center for Research Libraries) On Wednesday, May 11, 2016, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM CST, the Center for Research Libraries will host a webinar dedicated to CRL collections and services. This semi-annual webinar provides information about special CRL collections, services, and programs available for members, including CRL’s Global Resources programs and partnerships, which work to…
ALA Virtual Membership Meeting on June 2
(via Sari Feldman, ALA President) I invite you to register and join me and hundreds of other ALA members for the annual ALA Virtual Membership Meeting (VMM16) on Thursday, June 2, from 1:30 to 2:30 PM CST. VMM16 is a terrific way to have your voice heard, to discuss essential topics with other members, and to connect with colleagues,…
ALCTS Preconference Sessions at ALA 2016
(via ALCTS) Join your colleagues for exciting preconferences from ALCTS! Register today, and add an ALCTS preconference event to your conference scheduler. These preconference topics not for you? Forward to your colleagues who could benefit from these preconference programs. We Can Do It, You Can Too! Metadata Automation for Everyone Tuesday, June 7 – Wednesday, June 8…