(via RAILS) Registration is open for the RAILS webinar “Paid Leave for All Workers Act”. It will take place on Thursday, October 5, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM CDT. The Paid Leave for All Workers Act will take effect on January 1, 2024. This law will require most Illinois employers to offer up to 40 hours…
Submissions Deadline for HSLI Photo Contest Extended to Monday, September 11
Want to share a unique program, project, or event at your library? Need an opportunity to practice your photography skills? Consider submitting an image for the HSLI photo contest! The submission should adhere to the following guidelines. Please e-mail all submissions to Eric Edwards, at eedwards@ilsos.gov or president@hsli.org, by Monday, September 11. The membership will then have the chance to vote…
Final Reminder: HSLI Starfish Thrower Award Nominations Due Today, Wednesday, September 6
Know a Health Science Librarians of Illinois member who has made a lasting difference in the organization? Consider nominating the person for the 2023 Starfish Thrower Award! First presented in 2000, the Starfish Thrower Award is based on the story of the child who “makes a difference” by throwing stranded starfish back into the ocean…
Save the Date: HSLI Business Meeting and Organization Updates Online Tuesday, September 26 (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT)
Please save the date for the 2023 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Business Meeting and Organization Updates. It will take place online Tuesday, September 26, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT. Check your e-mail for the access information that went out via the HSLI listserv on Friday, September 1; no registration is necessary. Thank you to…
Call for Discussion Topics: Next Meeting of HSLI Journal Club on Tues., Nov. 14, at 3:00 PM CDT–Deadline Fri., Oct. 6
(via Peggy Carey, National University of Health Sciences) Have you heard, read, or seen something that you’d like to discuss with your peers? Plan to join us for the next meeting of the HSLI Journal Club on Tuesday, November 14, at 3:00 PM CDT, via Zoom, for an informal discussion of a selected publication, podcast, blogpost, or presentation. Please post your suggestions…
Call for Presenters: ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section’s Fall Webinar, “Cool Things We Cataloged”–Deadline Fri., Sept. 15
(via Andrea Schuba, University of Maryland) The Bibliographic Standards Committee of the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section is seeking presenters for our Fall Webinar, “Cool Things We Cataloged”. This will be the third year that we have hosted a webinar with this topic. We are looking for a broad range of presenters (catalogers, archivists,…
Registration Open for SLA and ACRL A&E Inside Bytes Webinar on Escape Rooms for Libraries–Fri., Sept. 8, at 12:30 PM CDT
(via Elizabeth Webster, Michigan State University) The next free webinar in the A&E Inside Bytes series, hosted by the Special Library Association Academic & Education Community and ACRL’s EBSS Education Committee, will occur at 12:30 PM CDT on Friday, September 8. It will feature Kelly Giles and Brian Sullivan (James Mason University), who will share their experience with…
Call for Submissions Extended–DLFtoolkit V.4: Critical Digital Literacy (New Deadline Fri., Sept. 15)
(via Mackenzie Salisbury, School of the Art Institute of Chicago) The DLF (Digital Library Federation) Digital Library Pedagogy group (aka #DLFteach) invites contributions to Volume 4 of the #DLFteach Toolkit, an open access resource providing peer-reviewed lesson plans and concrete instructional strategies. Volume 4 of the #DLFteach Toolkit will be a resource for information professionals…
Registration Open for ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Webinar “AI for Education Librarians: A Virtual Forum”–Wed., Sept. 27, 12:00-1:00 PM CDT
(via Alison Lehner-Quam–Lehman College, City University of New York) Registration is open for the webinar “AI for Education Librarians: A Virtual Forum”. It will take place on Wednesday, September 27, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. In this virtual forum, hosted by the ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section’s Instruction for Educators Committee, attendees will learn…
Midwest Chapter of Medical Library Association Announces Keynote and Plenary Speakers for 2023 Conference–Online Wed., Oct. 11 – Fri., Oct. 13
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) Registration for the Midwest / MLA (Medical Library Association) 2023 Conference is now open. The meeting will take place online from Wednesday, October 11, to Friday, October 13. The keynote speaker is Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBe. She will speak on “Data Sharing for…