(via Dawn Behrend, ACRL North Carolina Chapter Chair)
Registration is now open for the ACRL-NC Chapter biennial virtual conference, “Transforming Our Future: How Our Practices Today Inform Our Future Tomorrow”, to be held on Thursday, May 6, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM CDT. The Conference is hosted in collaboration with CJCLS. Dr. Jon Cawthorne, President of ACRL, will be our keynote speaker. Librarians from across the United States from a variety of institution sizes and types will share presentations on instruction, outreach, human resources, training, equity issues, cataloging, and technology amongst others.
Please go here to register. The Conference program can be viewed here. Registration is free for NCLA members, $10 for non-members, and $5 for students. Registration is limited to 500 attendees, so be sure to register soon.