(via Stephanie Diaz, Pennsylvania State University Behrend)
The ACRL ULS (University Libraries Section) Future of University Libraries Discussion Group invites you to join us via Zoom on Thursday, May 19, from 1:00 to 2:15 PM CDT, for a conversation about the future of academic libraries post-pandemic. The group will encourage participants to consider questions such as these.
- How are academic libraries responding to the need to change?
- Are we inherently reactive, or are we ready to transform as needed to meet the future demands of our communities?
- What questions should we be answering now to anticipate the work of academic libraries in the next 5-10 years?
Discussion topics might include the following.
- Future plans for public services
- Are we reactive, proactive, or pre-emptive?
- Transformations to library spaces and services emerging from justice, equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion (JEDAI) work
- Increasing online content and collections
Please bring your thoughts, questions, insights, and experiences to share with others! This conversation will be moderated by members of the ACRL ULS Future of University Libraries Discussion Group.
To register for “Preparing University Libraries for a Post-Pandemic World: A Virtual Discussion with the ULS Future of University Libraries Group”, please go here.