(via CARLI)
CARLI is pleased to invite you to attend the Professional Development Alliance (PDA) event “The ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey”, presented by Devin Savage, Janine A. Kuntz, and Jeannette E. Pierce. It will take place on Wednesday, December 15, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT.
Each year thousands of academic libraries complete ACRL’s Trends and Statistics Survey. Libraries across the country use the survey for benchmarking, understanding trends, advocating for better resources, assessment, and conducting deeper research. In this session, Devin Savage, Janine A. Kuntz, and Jeannette E. Pierce, members of ACRL’s Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board, will present selected results from the 2020 survey by looking at how the data can be used with the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education. ACRL has recently migrated the survey to the new platform, Benchmark: Library Metrics and Trends, which provides comparative data. Presenters will also share responses to common questions from those who complete the survey, discuss recent changes to the survey, and demonstrate how librarians can access and use the data.
To learn more and register, go here. Please send questions about this program to CARLI Support, at support@carli.illinois.edu.