(via the Illinois Library Association)
Registration is open for the ILA Noon Network webinar “Data Storytelling Toolkit for Libraries (DSTL): Distilling Library Wisdom”. It will take place on Monday, January 13, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. Please see below for more details, including the link to registration.
What can you tell about your library data as a story? Learn how to bring data stories to life for library advocacy of all types, from sustaining the library to transforming its work. Participants will learn about ongoing research identifying classic library stories told to persuade decision-makers as part of the Data Storytelling Toolkit for Libraries project (IMLS). Tools academic libraries can use include:
- Strategies to understand data storytelling uses for academic libraries
- Reach different kinds of audiences such as students, administrators, and funders
- Adapt narrative structures to communicate information and emotion at the same time
Join storytelling expert Kate McDowell for a lively interactive session to make data work as evidence for your compelling library data stories.
For additional details, and to register, please go here.