(via Dr. Kyungwon Koh, UIUC School of Information Sciences)
Join us for the Library Makerspaces Research Showcase, a free one-day online event highlighting the breadth of research and scholarship on library makerspaces. The Showcase will take place via Zoom on Friday, February 28, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM CDT. This event will explore what research has uncovered so far about library makerspaces and build a community of researchers and practitioners in this area. It promises to be an exciting day of learning, reflection, and connection.
To receive Zoom links, please register here. The Showcase schedule is available here.
This Showcase is part of the National Forum to Connect and Advance Library Makerspaces project, funded by an IMLS National Leadership Grant. Led by the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Illinois Chicago, and the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab, in collaboration with the American Library Association, Nation of Makers Library Makerspaces Working Group, and Library Makers, the project aims to strengthen networks, leverage expertise, and chart future directions for advancing library makerspaces.