(via the Medical Library Association)
Registration is open for the MLA webinar “Good Data Supports Good Decisions: A Practical Guide to Data Quality Checking”. It will take place on Thursday, January 16, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. Please see below for more information, including the link to registration.
Data quality is a top priority in data science and a critical aspect of data lifecycle management. Poor data quality leads to poor data-informed decisions and poor contributions to the research literature. If you work with data or researchers or teach data management, you know the importance of quality data in research.
Wei Zakharov, PhD, the leader of an NSF-funded project on data management education for undergraduates, will be your guide to identifying the characteristics of quality data, using literature-informed best practices and tools to evaluate data quality, and integrating data quality checking into your data literacy instruction. This will empower you to improve the quality of your service to researchers and students.
Through a demonstration of data quality evaluation tools, hands-on activities, lecture, and Q&A, you’ll learn how to address central issues of data quality, including data credibility, timeliness, information completeness, accuracy, consistency, and duplication. You’ll leave the session with sample datasheets and checking guides for your teaching sessions.
This webinar is worth 1.5 MLA CE hours. It is an approved elective for Level II of the Data Services Specialization.
For additional details, and to register, please go here. The cost is $90.00.