(via Jules Bailey, Florida State University)
The ACRL Health Science Interest Group’s next First Friday Forum is scheduled online for Friday, December 6, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. The topic is “End of the Year Sharing Session”. You do not have to be a member of ACRL to join us!
We’ve made it to the end of another year! Join us for an informal, one-hour session to share any highlights or successes at the past year. Did you present at a conference? Find a workaround for a tricky database? Improve your connections with instructors and students in your liaison areas? Participate in any exciting promotions or outreach events? Come ready to listen or share!
If there are enough participants with different interests, we may create breakout rooms by topic (e.g., instruction, collection development, etc.). Otherwise, we will stay in the main session.
For additional details, and to register, please go here. Direct any questions to moderator Jules Bailey, at jules.bailey@fsu.edu.