(via Hannah Gascho Rempel, Oregon State University)
Interested in joining the ACRL Science & Technology Section Book Club? Feel free to join us for our next book, Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement, by Ashley Shew. We will meet to discuss this book online Friday, May 16, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT. Hannah Gascho Rempel, STS Book Club Convener, will send a Zoom invite and a draft of the discussion questions about a week before the meeting.
If you would like to add yourself to the Book Club e-mail list, please fill out this form. All are welcome!
Curious to see what past books we’ve read and peruse our discussion questions? Visit our website.
Questions? Feel free to contact Convener Hannah Gascho Rempel, at hannah.rempel@oregonstate.edu.