(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University)
Five Midwestern communities of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) are partnering to host an online symposium on Friday, June 10, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM CDT. The keynote speakers will be Gary Price and Catherine Lavallée-Welch. The SLA Midwest Symposium is an annual, online event co-hosted by the Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, and Saint Louis communities of SLA. This year’s event will focus on the theme of the “Transformation of Librarianship”.
The closing keynote will be given by Gary Price, a librarian, writer, consultant, and founder of infoDOCKET. SLA President and academic librarian Catherine Lavallée-Welch will be providing the opening keynote. The event will also feature three educational sessions, lightning talks, and opportunities for networking.
Please register here. We invite all librarians and students to join us for a cross-disciplinary look at the transformation of librarianship. SLA members are $10 and nonmembers $20. For more information, please contact Valerie Moore, SLA-IL President-Elect, at slailpresidentelect@gmail.com.