(via Dr. Lian Ruan, Director/Head Librarian at UIUC’s Illinois Fire Service Institute)
I am excited to invite you to join the virtual Community Engagement Roundtables of the project Libraries as Partners for Emergency Preparedness and Response in Times of Crisis, an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funded initiative to study how libraries partner with emergency responders during community-wide emergencies.
Two, two-day roundtable groups will be held in February and March 2025, with each roundtable discussing the same topics. Registration to join a roundtable is free and the event will occur on Zoom.
Roundtable Dates:
- Group 1: February 12-13 (Wednesday-Thursday), 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT
- Group 2: March 4-5 (Tuesday-Wednesday), 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT
Participants in the roundtables will enjoy panel discussions by experts in the library and emergency response fields and engage with each other in breakout sessions to share their own insights and experiences.
If you are interested in joining a roundtable, please complete this Google Form and indicate your preferred dates.
For more information about the Libraries as Partners project, please visit our website or contact Dr. Luan Rian with any questions at lruan@illinois.edu.