Join us for this year’s Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) Annual Conference. The conference will take place in person on Friday, September 22 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (with a “happy hour” event from 4:00 PM to 5:00 pm), at the Hilton Garden Inn Naperville/Warrenville (28351 Dodge Dr. in Warrenville). REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN on the conference website — A printable or online form is available. Registration deadline is Monday, September 18th. More information about the conference can be found here —
A few hotel rooms are currently available at the Conference rate ($199 plus tax), with the possibility (but not a guarantee) that HSLI will be able to request more rooms. People needing hotel accommodations should make reservations as soon as possible. For reservations, you may call the hotel directly at (630) 393-3223 and request a reservation using the group code “HSL” (Health Science Librarians), or online using the booking link below. People may reserve rooms for both Thursday, September 21st, and Friday, September 22nd, or either night. Please note the last date to reserve with the special group rate will be Friday, September 1st.
It may be necessary to explore alternative lodging options in the area. Attached is a map with additional hotel details in the area.
For all in-person HSLI events, Health Science Librarians of Illinois does not require, but strongly encourages, mask-wearing for everyone. Please respect those who continue to wear masks, while interacting in-person with HSLI colleagues and others.
HSLI Publicity Subcommittee: Evelyn Cunico, Julie Dietrich, and Betsy Sterner