(via ACRL)
ACRL is dedicated to enhancing the ability of library and information professionals to dream big and shape our future. Don’t be shy! Your participation matters, and we invite you to be a part of shaping the future of ACRL.
The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomination Committee (LRNC) strongly encourages members to nominate themselves or others to run for the positions of ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect and Director-at-Large in the 2026 elections. The deadline for nominations is Saturday, February 15, 2025.
To nominate an individual or to self-nominate, please submit the nomination form. The LRNC will request a curriculum vitae and/or a statement of interest from selected individuals before developing a slate of qualified candidates.
If you have any questions about the nominating or election process, please feel free to contact LRNC Chair Pat Hawthorne at hawthorne@uthscsa.edu.