(via Nancy Gibson, Austin Peay State University)
The ACRL Contemplative Pedagogy Interest Group offers a series of informal online discussions on topics related to contemplative pedagogy in the college or university setting. The next webinar will take place on Wednesday, February 24, from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT. The topic will be “Healing Information Disorder”. A description of the webinar’s format and content is below.
Misinformation and disinformation run rampant. “Post-truth” and “post-privacy” are no longer unimaginable concepts. Unprecedented levels of participation enrich our information ecosystem yet also muddy the waters. As information professionals, we are tasked with teaching how to navigate our shifting information landscape; as contemplative pedagogy practitioners, we have the opportunity to teach to heal.
A short presentation will be followed by open discussion for academic librarians to share how we work to heal information disorder. What traditions and practices have helped? What guiding principles and texts support this healing? What kinds of support do we need as teachers? As people? Where do we go from here?
To register, please go here. Direct any questions to Nancy Gibson, at gibsonn@apsu.edu.