(via Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University)
Join the IACRL Virtual Journal Club for a laid-back lunchtime chat about academic librarianship. We’ll provide an article, a brief summary of the piece, and a discussion leader; you bring your sandwich, your tea, and your appetite for a conversation with your peers about the article and the profession. Check in with your colleagues from across the state and learn about the state of scholarship centered on topics relevant to your work in college or university libraries.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 29, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM CDT. The article for discussion will be “Dreaming Revolutionary Futures: Critical Race’s Centrality to Ending White Supremacy”, by Sofia Y. Leung and Jorge R. López-McKnight. This article was published in Communications in Information Literacy, in a special issue edited by Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier. To access the issue and the article, go here. Mitchell Haas, Online Learning Librarian at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, will lead this month’s discussion.
To register, please go here. For more information about past and upcoming Journal Club meetings, check here.