(via Becky D’Amato, HEDS Consortium)
There is still time to register for an end-of-spring-term administration of the HEDS (Higher Education Data Sharing) Research Practices Survey. The survey asks students about their research experiences and tests their skills in finding, evaluating, and citing sources.
With a spring administration of the survey, you can assess the following information.
- first-year students’ research skills and experiences after one year of college
- senior students’ research skills and experiences after four years of college
- students’ research skills and experiences compared with those of students at other institutions
Librarians have used this survey to help focus their instruction time on the most needed skills, and it could be useful this year for assessing if your first-year students were able to learn these skills regardless of their learning environment. Your spring results could help your library plan curriculum to better support your students in acquiring these vital skills.
For administration details, to view the survey instrument, or to register, please visit the HEDS Consortium’s website. Please contact Rebecca D’Amato, at rebecca.damato@hedsconsortium.org, with any questions.