(via Jennifer Sharkey, Illinois State University)
We have some spots open for these focus groups. Academic librarians in the United States and Canada that are currently working as library administrators (Deans, directors, middle management, etc.) are invited to participate in an hour-long focus group on student success in academic libraries. In appreciation for your participation in the focus group you will be provided with a $20 gift card to Amazon.
The research project is an examination and analysis of student success initiatives in academic libraries. The researchers seek to find out how academic libraries support student success, how resources (positions, spaces, and programming) are being allocated to and developed for student success, what university-wide partnerships or collaborations are being created, and how they assess these efforts.
If you choose to participate, you will be asked to participate in an approximately hour-long virtual focus group via Zoom. The focus group interview is voluntary and confidential. The questions are of a non-sensitive nature. You may decline to participate or withdraw at any time without penalty or risk.
If you would like to participate in the focus group, please use this link to access available timeslots.
The following investigators are available for questions about this study.
Mallory Jallas, mrjalla@ilstu.edu
Chad Kahl, cmkahl@ilstu.edu
Jennifer Sharkey, jsharke@ilstu.edu
Chris Worland, cjworla@ilstu.edu
Thank you for your consideration.