(via Jamia Williams–NNLM Training Office, University of Utah)
The online survey provided below is part of a research study to evaluate the different types of mentorship and its role in academic library instruction.
This online survey is expected to take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Responses will be collected online through Qualtrics, a secure survey tool, and will be collected in a manner that will not personally identify participants. Please do not leave your name or other identifying information in the survey fields.
Participation is voluntary, and participants are free to skip any questions they do not wish to answer and withdraw from the survey at any time. This study number IRB-00162558 has been reviewed and approved by the University of Utah Institutional Review Board. If you have any questions or concerns, contact 801-581-3655 or e-mail IRB@hsc.utah.edu.
By clicking the survey link, you certify that you understand the nature of the research. After consent, you can withdraw at any time and without reason. You may decline to answer questions and terminate your involvement. Withdrawing from this study will not affect your relationship with the researcher.
Online survey link: https://utah.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_56mnJXfSFH7E3gW
The survey will close on Sunday, July 2nd.
Thank you for your time and for participating in this study!
Jamia Williams (jwilliams@utah.edu)
Principal Investigator