I think that this will feel like a big ask, so let me apologize out in front, and add my please and thank you.
I am on the ILA Reporter Advisory Committee and I have an article to write that will deal with burnout in the profession, and, because it is the ILA Reporter, I would specifically like to talk about burnout among Illinois librarians. So, it would be interesting to me to know if you ever felt burnout, how did you recognize it, and then what did you do to help cope? I’d like to write an article that is of use to librarians and library workers in the state–that lets readers know that they aren’t alone if they are feeling burnout, and that they do not have to suffer.
Obviously, this can be a sensitive topic among us. If you are willing to talk to me about your own experience, I would be really appreciative. I would absolutely protect your privacy in the article.
If you’d like to share your experiences, you can e-mail me, at mchonechase@niu.edu, or call me, at (815) 753-9860. If you have a friend or colleague who might be interested in talking to me, could you please pass this e-mail along to that person?
Thank you.